Chapter 15

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(A/N) I was thinking of making a book of one-shots of all the hp characters.. would you guys read it??
Also sorry this chapter doesn't include much Y/N and Ron action lmao but we will be heading back to Hogwarts in the next couple chapters so be ready for that!

It's a couple of days after Christmas and Hermione is supposed to arrive today. Bill and Fleur decided to stay until tonight but Percy ended up leaving the day after Christmas.

You and Ginny both got Hermione something for Christmas although it'll be a late gift. Molly and Arthur got her something as well.

After breakfast, all of you are just anticipating Hermione's arrival because you all miss her dearly. You already know she's going to bring a bunch of movies to watch and possibly some games. Nonetheless, you're very excited for her to come, you have SO much to tell her.

Finally, around 11:35 am everyone hears someone arrive, so you all run outside. Thankfully, it's Hermione.

Everyone runs up and says hi as she gives every one of us a hug. Starting with Ginny, You, Ron, the Twins, and then lastly Molly. Bill, Fleur, and Arthur didn't run out because they had decided they'd just wait inside until she came in so she wouldn't be overwhelmed.

After all the greetings are finished, Ginny, Hermione, and you all head up to Ginny's room to catch up a bit. You both give her the gifts you got her, Ginny got her a new spellbook for her to read and you got her a few small gifts from a muggle store called "Bath and Bodyworks".

"So," Hermione said as she plopped down on Ginny's bed, lying on her stomach. "Did I miss anything?" She continued as she flipped through the pages of the book that Ginny got her.

"A few things actually.." You whispered under your breath.

"Go on, tell her Y/N." Ginny announced.

"It's not THAT important but fine." You replied, sitting up. "Me and Ron did it."

"No way! Wait actually that's disgusting and I don't wanna know." Hermione noted. "But tell me anyway. Was it like the dream you had before?" She continued.

"No. It was better." You giggled. "Seriously, it didn't hurt as bad as I expected it to."

"They're disturbingly loud, sometimes." Ginny interrupted.

"What?" You stuttered.

"Don't think we didn't hear you the other night." Ginny joked. "We are wizards for a reason, Y/N. It took me 10 galleons each to pay the twins not to bring it up to you because I didn't want you to be embarrassed."

"Oh my god." You said, as your face turned red. "Moving on." You blurted out.

"Was it.. you know?" Hermione whispered. "Small?"

"Hermione! Ew! I do not want to know if he is or isn't that's my BROTHER." Ginny replied in disgust.

"Then close your ears, silly." She said.

You leaned in closer to Hermione. "Not at all." You laughed.

For the next few hours, you and the girls hang out and watch some movies. Tonight, you and all the others decided to play 'never have I ever' and 'truth or dare' since Hermione is here now. Hopefully, that'll turn out fun and exciting. She also brought a few fun board games to play over the next week of break, including a game called Chameleon which sounds funny to you.

Eventually, you three head out into the living room and join everyone else where Molly and Arthur give Hermione her Christmas gift. All of you decided to have a little family game night with the games Hermione brought over, personally, the Chameleon one turned out to be your favorite. Basically, one of you that is the 'Chameleon' has to blend in and not get caught for not knowing what the topic is. It's confusing to explain but you got the hang of it pretty fast. Although, you do have a terrible poker face and got caught almost every time, specifically by Ron and Ginny.

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