Chapter 6.1

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Sawyer had to stop himself from grinning every time he turned in his penthouse and saw Gabriel there. The boy was certainly an attractive addition to his stylish space. All soft skin, demureness, and pretty gray eyes.

Sure, he was annoyingly emotional, and he'd spent most of the day either holding tears back or actually weeping, but that would pass. And soon, if Sawyer had a say in it.

For the time being, though, he could play the necessary role. He did want Gabriel to be alright. And over Henry, of course. The man had never deserved him anyway. Sawyer could put in the minimal effort needed to ensure that happened sooner rather than later.

The first step arose after they'd eaten a delicious stir fry for lunch. Gabriel really was a very good cook.


"Yes, darling?"

"I think I need to organize some things. About Henry. I'm not sure how though."

"Of course, darling. Well, I think we'll need to obtain a certificate."

"A certificate?"

"Yes, a death certificate."

Sawyer left Gabriel to his renewed tears and went to make a cup of tea instead. They always said that solved every problem, and he was somewhat done with the soft words and touches for a moment.

When he returned and had positioned Gabriel, safely wrapped in a soft blanket with a hot, sweet tea in his hands, Sawyer took the card the medics had left and called the number. Of course, they wouldn't tell him much – even as a lawyer he had no jurisdiction over the issue – but he did manage to turn on the charm and discover they would be doing an autopsy.

The giggly receptionist revealed that the coroner thought it was a heart attack, so Sawyer breathed a quiet sigh of relief at that. But she clarified that autopsies were generally carried out whenever there had been a sudden death. Sawyer did know that, but he'd had a vague hope that Henry had been under his doctor's supervision for a heart condition – at his age – but the bimbotic receptionist announced that he'd been as healthy as a horse, putting paid to the optimistic thought. Well, healthy other than the death thing, obviously. Sawyer winced at the woman's high pitched assurances, but kept the charm high and finished the call after receiving the assurance that Gabriel would be contacted as soon as  the autopsy was completed.

He left the penthouse when Gabriel had managed to drop into a nap, after getting details of where they had kept their paperwork in that squalid apartment.

There was depressingly little, and Sawyer scoffed at the lack of success Henry had achieved to have ended his life with nothing to his name. But then he remembered the man had had Gabriel, and the vague amusement turned to disgust.

When he returned, Gabriel had woken, and insisted on helping him go through everything. They found a statement for a bank account in Gabriel's name, although it had only a few thousand dollars in it.

"Why do you have so little money of your own? And no transactions?"

Gabriel shrugged. "I never needed it. Gramma left me that. But Henry dealt with money stuff. Bought me things when I needed them."

It was ideal, really. Gabriel was a lamb waiting to be taken by wolves. No experience of looking after himself at all.

Sawyer checked Henry's bank statements and went online to start completing the necessary forms to get his funds transferred to Gabriel, though they'd need the death certificate before they could be submitted. There was very little else – Henry had clearly never had enough success for investments – though he was interested to find something that looked like a life insurance policy with Gabriel noted as the beneficiary. Perhaps Henry had cared for him, just a little.

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