#6 First day at U.A. part 2

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I hope you guys like this chapter of 'a miraculous Christmas' and thank you for 30 followers it means a lot to me. Anyway continuing the story!

Mari's pov

The courtyard at U.A.

"Hello again Lily." I turned my head to see were the voice came from. It came from a kinda tall man dressed in all black and had a gray-ish scarf around his neck. He also had dark black hair that was kind of long and he looked sleep deprived. 

"hello, aizawa." my aunt said. "so this is our new student." He said while looking at me. "Yes, yes she is." my aunt said and with that short conversation he started to ask about my quirk, what it does, and if I have a limit. I answer all the questions truthfully.  After all of the talking and chatting he told me and my aunt that they we love to have me at this school.

After sorting things out, my aunt left and  He introduced himself as 'shota aizawa' but he told me to call him 'Mr. Aizawa' since he is my teacher and I'm in his class for homeroom. After going to the principal and sorting things out about my dorm and classes, after that was all done the next thing I know is that I am in front of the 1-A door. "Stay here, and when I say come in." he said and I just nodded quietly.

Bakugou's pov

Inside the 1-A class room

We were waiting for mr. aizawa to come in the room and start the lesson. But when he didn't start the lesson or just sleep on the floor. He told us he was going to get the new girl. I almost forgot about her coming today.   So he left the room leaving four eyes(lida) in charge. The whole time the class was talking about the new girl.


 A couple mins. later Mr. Aizawa enter the room.  "Okay class we have a new student. You may come in" He said. Great another extra that is a girl I thought . . . . .  but what I didn't expect was to see the most beautiful girl walk in. She had short dark blue hair put up in to a ponytail, the sweetest smile I have ever seen, and the most beautiful bluebell eyes. I looked at her in shock  . . . I mean she is beautiful but I shouldn't be gawking at her. 

She introduced herself, " Hi my name is Marinette Dupian- Cheng and my quirk is lucky hand." She said. It seemed like she was nervous . . .  well I mean all people would be nervous on their first day except me but she was nervous for a different reason. "Your seat is over there right by Midoryia." Mr. Aizawa said and the damn nerd raised his and she walk to her seat and sat down.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't burn the school down." He said and then bunded up in to his yellow sleeping bag. Four eyes (lida) walked up to marinette, "hello Ms. Dupain - cheng ,I am Tenya Lida,  the class rep. Do you mind if we are you some questions?" Four eyes (lida) asked. "Sure, I don't mind if you ask me questions.  Also just call me Mari or Marinette." She said "But one at a time."

No one's pov 

Here are the questions

Kirishima- Where are you from?

Mari- Paris, France.  The class- cool!

Jirou- Do you like music?

Mari- Yes.

Deku- What does your quirk do?

Mari- My quirk gives me a random object to help defeat the villian.

Mina- What is your favorite thing to eat?

Mari- Umm.... I like ice cream.

Jirou again- Do you sing or play a instrument?

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