Chapter 25 : There, I Said It

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Dream POV

"George. Will you be my boyfriend?"


There. I said it.

George's face didn't move. He just sat. Staring at me. I couldnt read his face at all. There were no obvious emotions. I was hoping for happiness. Joy. Anything that told me he wanted this. But I got nothing.

Oh dear. Oh fuck.

Was this a bad idea?

He blinked. Slowly. Like he was processing. Which would make sense. Four hours ago we kissed and I ran away.
I'd kissed him before. We'd done more than kiss...

But I backed out. Why? I don't know. Well, I do know. Its just not easy to explain. But I'd try; for george.

I have put George in a horrible position.

So I decided to try and make it easier for him.

"But you dont have to decide now, George. I realise this is a big thing, for both of us. And I wanted to let you know this is me going all in. I want you George. And I want to make it official. And I also know that sounds pushy and it may even be too soon, but I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you for so long."

He started biting his nails. He wasnt looking at me anymore. He was looking anywhere else. Everywhere else but me.

"Like I said, this doesnt have to happen right now I just wanted to put all my cards on the table."

"How can we be together when youre disgusted by us kissing?" He sounded like he was going to cry.

"George I wasnt disgusted I just-"

"You looked it." He was definitely crying.

"I know, but I wasn't, trust me. I was scared. I was terrified you wouldn't want me anymore because of everything that happened on the boat."

I took a deep breath and pulled Georges face to mine. We were inches away from eachother. He couldnt look away now.

"But George, everything we did on the boat was magical. I loved every minute. I was so fucking happy. When we slow danced all I could think of was how beautiful you looked and how much I am in love with you. And I am, George. I am so in love with you it drives me crazy. I'd watch the sunset a million times over if that meant I got to watch it with you."

"You really mean that?"

"I do."

"What if it goes wrong? I don't want to ruin our friendship. You are everything to me."

"You could hate me more than anyone else in the world George, but I'd still always be there for you. I love you so much, nothing you could ever do would make me hate you. Our friendship isn't going anywhere. If theres something wrong we'll fix it. We always do."

"What if I'm not enough for you? I wasn't enough to Daniel. I don't know if I can ever be enough.."

"I'm not Daniel. You are way more than enough George. You make me happier than anything else in this world. That's all I want. You are all I want."


"George, I want you. I want all of you. I want your early mornings and your late nights. I want your moody side and I want your giggles. I want your happy and I want your sad and theres nothing that will change my mind."

He turned his head away, chewing on his bottom lip. His brows were furrowed, he was really thinking about this. I love him and he loves me, how is this difficult?

"Please George, just let me love you."



"Okay as in yes."

"Yes you will...?"

"Yes I will be your boyfriend."

I couldn't help the grin spread across my face. Fuck yes. I loved the way he said it too.

I leaned in to kiss him but this time it felt right. It felt perfect. My hand tilted his jaw up and his eyes fluttered shut. God he was adorable.

He was giggling with joy but I could also tell he was very tired. So I suggested a movie. With Sapnap of course. A movie where he could fall asleep but he also wouldnt be missing out.

I laced my fingers in his and pulled him carefully off the bed. He wasn't drunk anymore, tipsy maybe. I also know that everything he said in that conversation was real. I know George. Everything he just said was not the alcohol talking.

After that session in the bathroom I'd be surprised if there's anything left in him.

Maybe I should get him some food.

Anyway, me and George walked out the bedroom and Sapnap was stood waiting at the top of the stairs.


I looked at George, smirking.

"Sapnap, this is my boyfriend, George."


He ran up and gave us both a suffocating hug. He was so happy. I was so happy. This was a good thing.

George POV

This was not a good thing.

It's too fast. It's all too fast.

No it's not its fine.

Calm down George.

You've been with eachother for five days. And now we're together.

I broke up with Daniel six days ago.

And I now have a boyfriend.

It's not that I don't want it. Seeing dream this happy is amazing I just dont know what to do about me feeling rushed.

What am I talking about?

Dreams not going to rush anything. He'll go at my pace. Just because we are together doesn't mean we have to immediately start fucking.

What is wrong with me?

Dream just asked me to be his boyfriend and my mind went straight to sex. Dream wouldn't want that if I wasnt ready.

I'm just scared. I've never done it before.

I'm not sure if dream has or not but he seems to know alot about it. He just seems like the type of person to have done it, okay?

I'm just a skinny, gay, white boy with no fucking clue.

We walked downstairs, hand in hand. He hadn't stopped smiling. God, he was beautiful.

We sat on the couch, dream welcoming me into his lap. My head rested on his chest and the rise and fall of his breathing was surprisingly comforting.

I dont know what movie they picked. Never heard of it in my life.

I was just focusing on clay.


I smiled at his name.

I was in deep, deep water.

But I was prepared to drown.

The constant wave of happiness that kept me afloat was because of Dream.

What I'm saying is, I'm ready to risk it all.

So me too, dream.

I'm all in.


1118 words

Hehehe let me know what you think:)

Also ive written 6 chapters ahead of this and you guys are going to hate me for what I've done...

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