41 ♛ Prodigal Baroness

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A day later, they reached the port of Alcotta Isles.

A longer pier extended from the shore. A big ship anchored in deeper water, ten or so smaller ones docked as well. A one-story building stood where the small island's port office used to be. But more than that, people waited by the shore, waving flags of a seagull, the symbol of Alcotta House.

Diana looked at Xander with questioning eyes. "I sent men earlier to inform them," he said.

This was not an official visit, and yet people welcomed her with flags and smiles. The one who led them was a grey-bearded man, waving his flag more enthusiastically than other familiar faces, now aged but happier.

Old Santos, now promoted to port master, shouted, "Oh gods. She's here. Pinch me! Sinda, pinch me!"

The woman beside him slapped him instead, but Old Santos was neither shocked nor angry. He cried in happiness, louder when the ship docked, and they could see Diana clearly.

Like them, two men, who once patrolled the islands as boys, stood proudly, as they controlled the eager crowd.

"Darn it, Andre. Stop crying. Yer a knight now, yeah?" Hedisfin glared at his long time friend.

"Why is yer face red?" the latter retorted, drying his eyes. "Yer gonna cry too."

The two men glared at each other and finally faced the coming ship with the proudest grins and exclaimed together, "My Lady!"

With the happy ruckus, Diana took a deep breath, unable to express her relief, nervousness, and excitement. It was true. Even in the absence of the baroness and ruled directly by the emperor, the Alcotta Isles flourished but remained isolated and peaceful.

Her people, the people she left behind, along with the new young ones, had no resentment on their faces in the thought that she abandoned them.

Climbing down the stairs to the port, Xander waiting below extended his hand.

Diana hesitated, and her hand hung midair. She then pulled them back to decline his offer, brave enough to reject an emperor.

Yet, his solemn expression never wavered. He returned his empty hand to his side and clenched. Amidst the happy greetings of the citizens, Xander leaned closer and whispered. "Welcome home, Diana."

After the whirlwind of welcomes and tears, mostly from Old Santos, Diana was immediately taken to Bastian's chambers.

The old man, at the age of 82, welcomed her with a smile while on the bed. His grey hair was as vibrant as she remembered, and the glow in his eyes upon seeing her was the same. However, Bastian could not even lift his hand nor force an enthusiastic welcome like he used to.

"You're home at last..." He whispered as she grasped his palm with both of her hands. She half-kneeled by his bedside.

"Your Majesty... " his almost whisper voice acknowledged Xander by the entrance. The latter smiled faintly and nodded. He then left to provide the butler and Diana time to talk and closed the door.

"I'm sorry I left..."

"I'm sorry you stayed..." Bastian said instead, referring to the days that she sacrificed more than enough for the territory.

He caressed her cheek. Unlike noble butlers who had numbers of servants to command, Bastian had few. His hands were rough, and she was thankful for those hands.

"The boy... how is he?" He asked about Alec.

"He's fine. He's a quiet one, but he's kind. He grew well, Bastian. He did. And Calenta, unlike Miryam, never married. She's always been with us."

From then on, an hour passed with Diana whispering what has happened to her in the past years. Bastian listened as if he didn't read it in the letters he secretly received. He listened as if it was for the first time.

He said he was glad. Diana then added that it was his time to ask her anything since she was back. The butler, with a gleam of mischief, said, "A soup of Barsewaz, please."

It was the simplest. For in all seasons, the Alcotta Isles was abundant with the fish. "Of course..." she said, glancing at the orange sunset outside. "I'll catch one tomorrow. I'll catch you biggest and cook it for you."

"I shall wait then."

With both promises, Diana left the room. She found Xander waiting by the living room of the servant's quarters. Instead of asking as to why he was there, she thank him instead.

"I assume I'm using my old room?" she asked.


She bowed to him, respectfully as usual and grateful for taking care of the territory, then she left.

As Diana went for her room, she slowed her steps, taking in the changes and the not. There were no more bald spots on the carpet. The peeled wallpapers were replaced, and the stairs didn't squeak. The furniture was refurnished, and the melted candles in the chandelier were replaced with spirit stones.

Despite it all, the clay vase, the subpar paintings she drew, and potted plants remained in their spots. Whatever taken was replaced or fixed of the same color.

It was like the same old home, but at its best vibrant colors.

As Xander said before, he was careful with the extent of the changes. Somehow, she was thankful.

Diana stopped by her door of carved hardwood. Her luggage was already brought and unpacked by the servants. As she closed the door, her hands halted. The locks were gone, the same with the windows. In fact, the wooden windows that were always closed was replaced with glass, now opened.

Diana closed her eyes and breathed in the breeze caressing her face. "Welcome home," she whispered to herself.

Diana Of Alcotta (Yrsoreth Chronicles 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ