17 | 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹𝒷𝓎𝑒

Start from the beginning

When she placed it on one of the seats, she turned around. I could see wetness in her eyes, but knowing her, she wouldn't let them fall so easily. I, on the other hand, sniffled and wiped a stray tear away.

She let out a breathy laugh took my hands in hers, saying, "We'll see each other soon, okay? Who else am I going to gossip to about everything that happens in school and with Benjamin?" I giggled and nodded my head, looking down. If I saw her face again, I wouldn't be able to control myself. You can say that I'm overreacting or oversensitive, but I'll only get to see her again in a few months. 

"At least we can still Face Time, right?" She smiled, putting a string of hair behind her ear. 

"Yeah," I muttered, finally getting the courage to glance up at her. Surprisingly not sobbing yet, I opened the car door for her one last time. 

"What a gentleman," she replied, half a laugh coming out. I sniffed again and closed the door after she got in and stepped away so she could get out the parking. 

"Te veo pronto," she saluted through the car window when she started the engine. 

"Don't get into a car crash because you were't paying attention to the road, okay?" I yelled at her when he the wheels began moving forward. 

"Haré mi mejor esfuerzo, pero no puedo hacer ninguna promesa," she shouted back, making a farewell motion with her two fingers against her forehead. I laughed at her ridiculousness and shook my head, the smile never leaving my face. Liv has always wanted to be able to speak Spanish, so she started learning with a new app on her phone. She's getting pretty good.

I went inside when she was out of sight and, like I imagined I would, I maundered toward my bed and climbed inside. My covers were still disordered, but at this point I couldn't care less. 


I don't know how much I've slept, how late it was or what made me wake up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up straight, searching my room for any sign. I saw a little light on my side. The curtains were shut and the lights were off, so it was pretty dark in here. 

I unplugged my phone from my charger and tried to look at the screen without burning my eyes from the brightness. It was a text message...from Evie.

Why on earth would Evie send me a text at - I looked at my alarm clock - almost 2 in the morning? It must be an emergency, right?

I frowned down at my phone as I read her message as quick as possible. 

Evie: theres no school tmmrw. have u heard? 

Why wouldn't there be class? Did something happen? I wondered to myself anxiously. 

Me: no i havent. whats wrong?? 

I sent back, staring at my screen and waiting for a response. 

Evie: okay.. dont freak out! everythings under control

Me: what evie? tell me what happened! 

I was by now sitting on the edge of my bed, my right leg bouncing up and down from all the nerves. 

This couldn't be a prank, right? No, she wouldn't do that to me. It took her a few minutes to reply, I started overthinking again. Was it something I did?  I almost called her, but then a ping sound came from  my phone. 

While I read the message, my jaw fell open and my hands almost dropped the phone on the carpet. What? No, this can't be happening. It's a dream, it's not real.


"are you okay?"

"please answer me, im sorry! i shouldnt have said it over text" 

Ping after ping sounded, but I didn't move, until I decided to assure Evie I was alright.

Me: yeah im fine and no its okay im glad you told me, thank you. but im going to bed now. CU on tuesday. 

And then I turned off my phone completely. I suddenly wasn't so sleepy anymore. I'd be flabbergasted if I would be able to get any more sleep at all, to be honest. 

So, after gaping at the black, empty screen for a whole few minutes now, I let out a small gasp and covered my mouth. 

Oh, my God...I don't even know what to think, never mind do. I want to do something, but what? There isn't anything to do. What's done is done and can't be undone. 

We didn't really know each other, we didn't even get along very well, but it was still horrible. I didn't get to say goodbye. She wasn't sick, that I or anyone knew of, so it must have been unexpected. I guess a lot of people haven't gotten the chance to say their goodbyes...

"sophia... josephine was found dead yesterday."

A/N: Thank you for reading, hope you didn't think the ending was too bad 😭

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