Following the man, they watched in appreciation as a spacious bedroom greeted them, the same casement windows as in the living room adding a finishing touch to the same room here. "At least this one has some breathing space when added with a King sized bed." Draco commented, dragging his fingers against the wall and giving it a few knocks, nodding in satisfaction when it didn't sound hollow.

"Not only that, but it even has your own closet! No need to cram any in this room, because see here!" Bart squeaked, opening a door to their left. Indeed, it held a room big enough to fit both hers and his clothes.

"If you'd follow me out, please, I'll show you the bathroom." The man said, scurrying out of the place before they even had time to nod. "Someone's cheery," Draco lowly whispered, lightly leaning into her as their shoulders brushed. Hermione shrugged, a fulfilled satisfaction welling inside her. "So, what do you think so far?" She asked, leaving the bedroom and moving their way to the entrance hall, where Bart stood waiting at the second door they saw upon entering the place. "I think it looks really cozy." Hermione hummed in agreement, stepping into the bathroom as soon as the door was opened.

There they saw both a bath and a shower, and even two separate sinks. If she didn't like the place already, this would sure have done it. Two sinks would speed things up a lot if they were to get ready at the same time. "What's the last door leading to, though?" Hermione asked, nodding her head to the first door they saw upon entering. "This?" Bart asked, opening the door, which viewed a small, dark space. "Cleaning supply storage." She should have known that. In most Muggle flats it would serve as a mechanical room, but of course for Wizards that wouldn't be necessary. The most they'd need would be something to store their cleaning supplies.

"Now, I might be greatly mistaken, but I'd like to say that after years of expertise I can assume that those twinkling eyes mean you two would be interested in applying for this flat?" The man said, concluding their tour through the house. Hermione shot a sideways glance, though it was quite unnecessary. Of course they were interested. This was exactly the kind of place they were looking for.

When they both nodded, the man smiled in victory and pulled a scroll of parchment from his back pocket. "If you'd please fill in this application form, then I'll be as quick as possible to let you know whether or not this will be your future home." And so they did, filling out everything he needed to know, then gave the man a cheerful handshake and said their goodbyes as they were back in the streets of Diagon Alley.

"What d'you s'pose is gonna happen with the ice cream parlour?" Draco asked, eyeing the dreadful looking building of Florean Fortescue. Hermione was about to shrug, but then took a few steps closer as she looked at the paper hanging on one of the windows.


Previous ice cream parlour Florean Fortescue will be polished up mid-July, and reopened on August fifth by the new owner: Lewis Clive.

"Guess it'll be a busy location if we were to live here." Hermione said, but Draco shrugged. "That was to be expected from choosing a place in Diagon Alley."

"Hermione?" Wheeling around at the familiar voice, a grin spread on her face as she saw a pale boy with black ruffled hair standing right in front of her. "Harry!" Immediately she ran up to him and took him in for a hug, which earned her a surprised chuckle from him. "It's so good to see you!" When he pulled away, he nodded in agreement. "What are you doing here?" He asked, glancing between her and Draco.

"Oh," Hermione said, taking a step back and waiting for Draco to join her side, "Draco and I have been looking around for a potential place to live. We just found something we think will be great," she grins. Harry looked a little taken aback by that, and even slightly at unease, but he composed himself right away, trying his hardest to genuinely be happy for her. "That's great, 'Mione. I do hope it will work out."

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