The light breeze that hit her was a welcoming freshener to all her worried thoughts, and she took a good look into the dark sky before leaning against the castle wall and slowly looking at the red haired girl, who seemed to patiently wait for her to speak.

"I don't know what's going on, Gin." Hermione admitted with a deep sigh, folding her hands together as she took a few deep breaths before continuing. "He's doing it again. Shutting me out, and no matter how hard I try, it's impossible for me to get in."

Releasing a light, humorous chuckle, she shook her head and scoffed. "Sorry, I know you probably don't want to hear a word about Draco." Swallowing, she pushed away the emotions that arose when she said that. It was already difficult enough to date your former enemy, let alone expect any support from your friends who had clearly not forgiven him like she had.

From the corner of her eyes she could see Ginny shaking her head, and she felt the witch's warm hand coming to a rest on her arm. "'Mione, I might not like Malfoy, but you're one of my best friends, and if you have boy drama, trust me, I'm more than willing to listen to it." The two girls smiled at each other, but Hermione's smiled faded slowly as the silence began to settle.

"Look," Ginny spoke eventually, catching her interest as Hermione turned to look at the girl. "I'm not going to pretend I have any experience dating a Malfoy," the witch chuckled lightly, then shook her head, "but I do have some experience with boys. And trust me when I say that sometimes, they can be just as difficult as us girls."

Hermione gave a sad chuckle, a heavy weight still resting on her heart. "You're both stubborn in what you do and feel. Which means I also know that you, Hermione Granger, will also be stubborn enough to find a way to get through to him." Ginny spoke, and her hand slowly glided off Hermione's arm. "I know he seems impossible now, but look at what you two have been through so far. If you ask me, then I'd say it's not as impossible as you might think it is."

"So head up, okay? You can do this." Hermione gave the witch a warm smile, her vision ever so slightly blurry as she swallowed away her sadness, and took a step forward as she took the redhead into her arms, giving her friend a tight squeeze. "Thank you." Hermione whispered softly, sincerely grateful to have Ginny by her side here at school.

With that the two girls broke apart and entered the warm castle again, Ginny taking the route back to the Great Hall, but Hermione chose to go up the many stairs, and call it an early night.

"Draco," Hermione tried, but it was to no avail. Once again he was out of the classroom right as the bell had rung, and there had been no possible way she could have caught up with him. A group of Gryffindors near the Charms classroom entrance snickered at her, and even a few Slytherins joined in on it. "Trouble in paradise already?" One mockingly said, a satisfied smirk tugging on his lips. "What did you expect? I'd run away too if I realized I started befriending a Mudblood." Another one said, trying to provoke a reaction from her.

Hermione, however, did not have the time nor patience for this, and pushed the group aside as she watched Draco's back slowly fading away in the far distance. Huffing in frustration, she was about to call out for him again by mind, but was stopped before she could even begin to form a thought as Professor McGonagall walked up to her.

"Miss Granger," the woman said. It was clear that the headmistress hadn't been looking for her, but was all the while pleased to have crossed paths with her. "Good afternoon, professor." Hermione halfheartedly spoke, her eyes still roaming in the distance in the hope to find which direction Draco left in. "It's come to my attention that Mr Weasley and Mr Potter haven't come back to Hogwarts this year." The older woman continued, and Hermione focused her attention on her professor as it became clear to see that professor McGonagall was curiously looking at the spot Hermione had just been staring at.

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