"What is she staring at?" The boy beside her sneered lowly, and Hermione eyed the scowl planted on his face. "Lighten up, that face doesn't suit you." She whispered as the class fell more silent, not wanting others to hear her. Besides, can you blame her? His only response was a dismissive grunt as McGonagall began by starting the class.

Hermione rolled her eyes as two girls in front of them shot a quick glance backwards to them, and then hunched together, soft whispers shared between each other that were just loud enough for her to catch what they were saying. "I told you I saw them walking together this morning." The brown haired one said to the red haired one, and both girls dared to throw another quick glance their way, before lowering their heads immediately when both Draco and Hermione gave them a hard glare. "Do you think they're a thing?" The red haired girl asked, lowering her voice to such an extent that it was almost impossible to hear. "I hope not, I thought the Hermione Granger had some class." The two sniggered, but were quickly shut up by McGonagall, who didn't appreciate the disruption in her class.

Shooting a quick sideways glance to the boy next to her, she saw the tense in his jaw and his fingers tighten ever so slightly around his quill, a sullen expression layering his face. It was all too clear that he wasn't happy with what he just heard the girls say, and Hermione released a soft sigh to herself, wishing that he wouldn't take people's comments to heart so much.

Sure, she had a hard time doing it herself as well sometimes, but the more time she spent together with Draco and the more she enjoyed his company, the less she cared about what others thought. As long as he made her happy, then it didn't matter to her whatever anyone else thought about it.

Reaching her hand out to his, she squeezed it gently and shot him a warm smile, which in turn immediately helped soothe his muscles a bit as he slowly lowered his quill to the desk, the grip on it loosening. However, his eyes remained expressionless as he quickly averted them from her, fixing it to the front. Sighing, she removed her hand from his and listened to the instructions of her teacher, deciding to let whatever mood he was in be for after class.

Besides that first class in the morning, the other classes had gone by fairly quiet. Minus a comment here and there, of course. After all, complete ignorance to the two sitting together at every class they had so far would have been too much to ask from the students at Hogwarts, who everyone knew were one of the most curious people.

But lunch so far was way better, as less people rose their heads from their plate to take a look at the couple walking in, by now less surprised to see the two together, although it was clear that some were still rather unsettled by it. Shrugging that off, Hermione said a quick goodbye to Draco and left for the Gryffindor table, where she took a seat next to Dean and began munching on a piece of toast, that was soon interrupted by an owl landing by her side, dropping a letter on her plate.

Recognizing the handwriting as her mother's immediately, she wondered why she wrote this soon already. Normally they wouldn't write to one another yet until the end of the week, giving each other both the time to settle back into their separate lives. So to get a letter this early on in the week got her heart raising, and she hurried to open the envelope.

Dear Hermione,

I don't wish to worry you, but your father and I came home last night after dinner only to find it robbed from our most precious possessions. No worries, your father and I are both okay, and so are most of your books.

I hope none of them that have been taken had been valuable to you, and I most certainly hope they weren't magical. Have you gotten to Hogwarts all right?



Hermione frowned, biting her lip in thought as she tried to remember what books she had left at her parents house, but let out a breath of relief as she came to the conclusion that no magical books had been lingering around the house. With that confirmation, she wrote a quick letter back to her mother, saying she had gotten to Hogwarts okay and that she'd send Harry over there one of these days as well to put on some protective enchantments that she didn't think would have been necessary to put up before she left, but would wish to have them now. To which she also wrote saying that she hoped that her parents wouldn't brush him off, for this would give her some peace of mind knowing that they'd be okay.

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