Your parents seem really nice. Your mom's a bit nosy, but she looks like a sweet woman. Hermione chuckled at that, silently agreeing. Turning off the light on her nightstand, she nuzzled her face into her pillow with a satisfied smile, happy with how the day turned out.

Talking about parents, what about yours? Hermione began, remembering the thought she had before when they were saying goodbye at the door. What about them? Rolling her eyes in the dark – a habit she didn't plan on breaking – she pointed out the obvious. Well I assume we aren't really going to enlighten them about our new found relationship, are we?

Merlin, no. Not as long as we can avoid it. Nodding in agreement, she focused more on her breathing, letting it deepen as she was much ready for some sleep.

Groaning the next morning as her body slowly began to wake up, she turned in her bed as she let the soft fabric glide against her legs, appreciating the comfort and warmth after not having had it for so long in the forest. True, it had been around two weeks since the war, but still to this day on did she not take her bed for granted. It definitely was something she had missed during her time in the woods, and she still appreciated it every time she woke up.

Forcing herself out of bed, she got herself dressed in a fast pace and brushed her teeth so thoroughly that she knew she'd make her parents proud. After that she ate breakfast, and figured she might do well breaking the news to Draco about what her plans were for this upcoming week.

Draco? Hermione said, munching on her toast in the meantime. Yes? Switching to his view – something she did quite often, enjoying the sight of his surroundings and occasionally getting a glimpse of him in the window or a mirror – she watched as he was currently eating breakfast himself, his eyes more glued to his plate than anything else in the room. Although, she could make out a few other long blond locks in front of him, which she assumed belonged to his father.

I'll be heading to the Weasley's for a week. She announced, casually taking a sip of her water. Hermione chuckled as his hand froze in mid air, the piece of bread he was holding dangling dangerously between his fingertips. She was sure that this would be the moment he would groan as loud as he could if his parents weren't there and she could actually hear him, judging by the dislike in his voice. Not again.

Oh come on, Draco, they really aren't that bad. Catching a faint glimpse of his face in the cup that his father just put down in front of him, she could see the slight scoff happening, and shook her head at that. Honestly, Hermione, you've said that plenty enough times, and each one was as bad as the previous one. This week won't be an exception.

Getting up and bringing her dirty dishes to the sink, she gave it a quick rinse and said her goodbyes to her mother, her father currently being out with some friends of his. After that she grabbed her suitcase and put on her jacket, and when she was outside she immediately apparated to the Burrow.

She made her familiar way through the long grass, walking quite a bit until she arrived at Ron's house, enjoying the little stroll for as long as it lasted. The sun was shining brilliantly already at the earliness of the hour, and the wind was still fresh as it gently swept passed her. When she made it to the front door, she opened it with ease, knowing that the Weasley's wouldn't mind if she came in without a knock on the door.

Greeting Mrs Weasley in the kitchen, she gave the woman a tight hug as Hermione didn't forget who died in the battle just two weeks ago. The grief was certainly still fresh, and the bags under Mrs Weasley's eyes and the paleness of her complexion showed that the death of her son was still ever so present on her mind. Yet, as always the woman kept a smile on her face and showed her hospitality, directing her to where the boys were playing a game of chess.

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