The Potions Master

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A knock at the door disturbed your slumber the next morning. It took a second for you to get your bearings and glancing at your clock told you it was 6.32 am. Who the bloody hell is at my door at this time? You sat up quickly and pulled your robe over your pyjama-clad body and staggered to the door while trying to tame your hair.

You opened it just enough to peek at who it was and it was a face you certainly weren't expecting. Snape. Perfect. There he stood, hands behind his back, a look of irritation creasing his features; ready for the day. Opposite, there you were, still in your pyjamas, hair still a mess despite your efforts and pillow creases on your face. Truly Perfect. You were not setting a great impression with Snape and you knew it.

"Good morning, Professor." Your voice was croaky from sleep and you tried to clear out the frog that had taken up residence in your voicebox.

"Apologies for the early disturbance," he smirked. You clearly aren't sorry, arse!

"Dumbledore has instructed me to familiarise you with the potions department and then escort you to breakfast. It looks like you need some time though." He quipped as he scanned your sleepy state.

His comment irritated you, had you been told of this last night, you would have been ready. It wasn't your fault that his communication was poor.

"Fair warning would have been nice, Professor."

He chuckled darkly, "Yes, welcome back to Hogwarts. You won't find much of that here."

"Clearly." Your reply was sharper than you had aimed for but you were still tired and now freezing standing in the doorway.

He sighed, "And you can call me Severus, I suppose." It was obvious from his reply that he had barely taken in your nettled tone, either that or he didn't care. Thinking about it, it was probably the latter.

"Allow me 10 minutes to get ready. Severus."

Abruptly closing the door to your dingy quarters, you set about getting ready for the day. Thankfully you had showered before bed. You hurried to your small bathroom and came out a few minutes later having used the facilities, brushed your teeth, and splashed cold water at your face to wake yourself properly.

Looking in the full-length mirror near your bed you put on your clothes for the day. A grey high-waisted pencil skirt and black shirt. You left the top few buttons open, leaving your bare sternum on display. The look could do with a necklace but you didn't have time to pick one out. A wave of your hand had your hair styled and you quickly applied some eyeliner and mascara, the muggle way. You slipped on the lowest heels you owned, the only ones you could manage in, then grabbed your black cloak and headed for the door.

Severus was nowhere to be seen. You hadn't taken that long. A click of a door down the corridor caught your attention and out he walked, pulling down the sleeves of his suit jacket and then brushing down the front of it. If the circumstances were different you'd probably have found him quite attractive. He had unconventionally handsome features, in your opinion, and who wasn't drawn to dark and mysterious men, really? He snapped his head up and noticed you, his posture stiffening immediately. You didn't miss his quick once-over of your clothing choice. With his hand out, he gestured past his door, to the one next to it, where you knew the potions classroom was.

Stopping outside your old class, Severus, unlocked the door with a whisper and lead you in, "Take a seat," he prompted to a chair at his desk.

It hadn't changed at all, still dusty and damp, the old desks had yet to be swapped and cauldrons sat stacked in the corner of the room. You observed him as he moved around to the other side of the desk and pulled out a large folder of parchments.

Hope For The Hopeless (Severus Snape x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now