"Mom says when I get bigger, Freya will teach me real spells" a young Hope said while walking into a flower patch with Klaus. "I think your doing rather well on your own" he stated and smiled at his daughter who was holding a bouquet of wildflowers. She sighed. "I can't always control it so well" she answered and looked up at him. "It scares me sometimes" she finished. He knelt down and smiled at her. "You luv, are the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. Your going to be the greatest witch this world has ever seen" he said putting a smile on her face. "And nothing will scare you" he told her. "I know what you are, you know" she said to him. Klaus's face grew concerned and curious. He furrowed his brow. "Strongest in the world. Strong enough to keep all the bad things away" she stated. Klaus's face fell from a smile. "What bad things" he said, concerned that she knew of everything he'd done. "Just bad guys, monsters, people who are mean, selfish, and angry" she said not truly knowing the details of those situations. "Nothing" he started, his face serious and his hands on her shoulders. "Is going to harm my little girl. Nothing will even get close" he stated and looked in her eyes to see them full of light. "Your all that matters to me" he said softly to her, putting a big smile on her face. She put her arms around him and squeezed him tight. He was surprised by this but hugged her back, enjoying every second of it. He smiled but then felt her shivering. His face fell and he pulled her off of him, placing his hands back on her shoulders. "Your shaking. Are you cold?" He asked her with concern written all over his face. It was obvious he would always have a weakness for this girl. She looked at the ground and answered "yeah I've been cold a while now". "Cmon lets get you inside" Klaus said. He picked her up and started walking towards the house. That's when Hope looked back and saw a blue light.

"Klaus and young Hope were sitting in their house in the French Quarter, with a table completely full of desserts

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"Klaus and young Hope were sitting in their house in the French Quarter, with a table completely full of desserts. He picked up a pastry and fed it to her. Hopes face lit up even more. And she closed her eyes at the taste. Klaus had a smile glued to his face. "It's so good" she said as he put the pastry on a plate that was in Front of them.

Hope looked out a window at her father and Elijah

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Hope looked out a window at her father and Elijah. Elijah had grabbed the last whit oak stake from him and snapped it In half. He gave Klaus one half and they held them at each other's chest, not knowing that the youngest Mikaelson was watching. They spoke for a bit before they shoved the stakes into each other and Hope watched, with tears pouring out of her eyes, as her father and uncle turned into ash slowly and disappeared into the night. When she could no longer see the two she sat on her bed and choked on her tears. "No" she said crying. "No" she said once more quietly, feeling guilty about her father and uncles deaths.

Then I released the spell because once again, I just relived moment that we're dear to me

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Then I released the spell because once again, I just relived moment that we're dear to me. Lizzie Hugs me I let her but didn't hug back. "When we get back you can't tell anyone about this got it" she whispered to me. I laughed a little. "Deal" I whispered back knowing full well that my family was to shocked to listen. My face turned serious again. "So again I'm sorry I kept this from you and I'll leave if you like" I said and turned around to start walking away when I was spun around and encased in a hug by none other than the original hybrid himself. I hugged him back with everything I could. It's been so long since I got to hug him. "Hope" Lizzie suddenly exclaimed making me jump back a little. "What" I asked regaining my cool. "Isn't there a spell to like give people all their memories or something like it already happened. Ya know, like the one Josie used to bring back everyone memories of you after you" she questioned. I thought for a minute trying to recall what I know. "I think so but I can't remember it" I informed her, frustrated. After a few minutes I snapped my fingers and told her to repeat after me. She grabbed my hand and I spoke the spell. "Youve fuerat ad monumentum" I said and Lizzie started syphoning magic from me. "Youve fuerat ad monumentum" we chanted together a few times before everyone's memories and emotions hit them like a gunshot to the head.

Hope Mikaelson: RewindsWhere stories live. Discover now