I pulled out my phone and texted coach and the girls groupchat. 'In the hospital. Dakota's inside with Jess, waiting for any news really.' I sent before clicking in Shannon's group chat.


In the hospital, call will have to wait
until tomorrow. Sorry.

What happened? Are you
okay? Do I have to worry or
am I good?

You're good, Dakotas friends in
the hospital so I came to keep
her company, but haven't seen her
since we got here, because she's
on top of her "friend". Lowkey she
do have a crush on that so friend.

I mean we know how this goes
you were once my friend too.
Luckily not anymore. Let me
know if anything else happens.
And tell Dakota and her friend
that i'm sending my wishes to
them. Love you xxx

Love you too, call you when I can

With that I slid my phone back into my back pocket. We had been in the hospital for an hour now and Dakota hadn't come out. Her parents didn't like her being inside there with Jess for so long, but they couldn't really do anything since doctors had told them the kid needed Dakota and only Dakota right now.

Another hour past and it was getting late. Then I heard the door open. I looked up to see Dakota talking to her parents. I didn't want to bother them so I stayed behind and waited for her to direct her attention towards me.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long." Dakota said when she finally came over to me.

"No, don't thank me, it's the least I could do." I quickly chipped in.

"I can't stay the night but I'm coming back tomorrow morning. She tried to kill herself." Dakota said as silence spread across the empty hospital. "I'm gonna need you to keep me up with homework and stuff though." She told me before we said bye to her family and headed out.

"Nah, I'm coming with you. There's service here, I'll get someone to tell me what they're doing and I'll do it from here, but you ain't going through this alone. I won't bother you all, just so Jess knows she has people." I finished up opening the front door up and letting Dakota walk out.

"Thanks dude. You're actually the best." She told me, wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm actually not, but thanks." I responded with a small laugh.

"What do you mean you're not? What makes you think you're not the best?" She asked me.

"I don't know, I'm not always there for people, and I hate myself for it. But sometimes I just can't be there. It's really selfish I know, I-"

"Nah, don't talk bullshit." Dakota cut me off. "It ain't selfish. It's a necessity, you can't be there for everybody always, you need yourself for yourself sometimes. And that does not make you a bad person." Dakota told me.

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood to talk about myself right now. Tell me how it was with Jess." I told her, drifting the attention off of me.

"I hated seeing her like that, but it was great to be able to actually be with her, hold her close and neither of us wanting to let go." Dakota told me, smiling to herself. "She said she loved me, like more than a friend and kissed me."

"I'm glad you're happy dude. I can see she makes you glow." I told her.

The walk back to the hotel didn't seem so long chatting to Dakota, the 25 minutes went by in a blink of an eye and before we knew it we were walking through the doors.

"Is she okay?" Aspen asked, running towards us as the other girls followed her.

"Yeah, she's okay. I'm going to see her again tomorrow, but don't worry. I just want to get to my room and rest for the night. The day has been hectic to say the least. Sorry." Dakota said understandably.

I knew she didn't want to talk about why or how Jess had ended up in the hospital, since it still hurt her to see her best friend in that position, so I didn't mention it and just followed her up the stairs before we parted ways and each went to their rooms to rest.

Without thinking about it, I got inside my sheets and fell asleep, not texting Shannon or coach or anybody. Just closing my eyes and going into the unconscious.

Not me having dissapeared for a few months, totally forgetting about this story... Anyway, sorry about that. I'm just gonna dump the 3 chapters i've got written and I'll finish it there. You guys can use your imagination for the rest of the story, if I don't ever touch it again, that I'm pretty positive I won't. I doubt anybody cares but lifes good right now. Things do get better. I believe in you guys.

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