Season 1 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey, what happened to you last night?" he asked Scott and Scott showed him a big wound in his stomach.

"What happened?" I asked him. "Something bit me. It was too dark to see, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf" he told me.

Stiles scoffed and so did I.

"Not possible," I told him, Scott glared at me "I heard a wolf howling" he said "no you didn't" Stiles told him "I know what I heard!" he snapped at us.

"Scott, there are no wolves in California" I told him. "Not in like 90 years" I told him and Scott almost didn't believe us. He was sure he heard a wolf.

"All right, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not going to believe me when I tell you that I found the body" he said. Stiles got very excited at this but me? Not that much.

Then our teacher introduced us to a new girl, she was pretty. You talked to her after class.

"Hi?" You replied, clutching your books even tighter.

"You're Allison, right? You're the new girl?" I tilted my head to look at her ever-so slightly.

"Yeah" she said "Hi, I'm Maddie" I told her. "If you wanna have someone to eat lunch with, You can eat with me" I asked her, she smiled.

"That would be very nice" she said.


We headed for the cafeteria, usually, I would eat with Stiles but this time I didn't. I ate lunch with a girl. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal or anything, but I don't hang out with other girls.

They usually don't like me.

"So, where did you move from?" I asked her as we found a table.

"San Francisco" she told me.

I had no idea what to say next, god, why do I have to be this awkward.

"Cool" I said and then it went like 20 minutes without any of us talking.

"Hey, there's this lacrosse takeout and I promised my brother to support him. You wanna come?" I asked her and she smiled again "I'd love to" she said.


Scott was never good at Lacrosse, he always used to sit on the bench on the sidelines along with my brother. This time, I saw him going to the goal for some reason.

"Who is he?" asked Alison and looked at Scott.

"him?" I said and eyed Scott. She nodded her head.

"That's Scott, he's my brother's best friend and mine." I told her.

Someone shot a ball at Scott, and hit his face. Damn, why does he insist on playing when he's so bad?? I saw him standing up again as someone shot a ball at him, to my surprise, to everyone's surprise, he caught the ball.

Then he caught another ball and another, he even caught the ball Jackson shot on him Jackson never misses.

When did he get that good?


"I don't know what it is, it's like I had every time on me to catch that ball. That's not just it. I can hear stuff, I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things" He said.

"Smell things?" Stiles asked him "Like what?"

"Like Mint Mojito gum in your pocket." Said Scott "I don't have a..." said Stiles, but he stopped once he realised he actually had a gum in his pocket.

He stared at Scott, confused.

"I'll take that" I said and grabbed his gum and put it in my mouth.

Stiles glared at you as you chewed his gum "you're mean, you know that? You're the evil twin." he said to me and I rolled my eyes and went back to Scott.

"So it all started with a bite, huh?" I asked Scott "what if it's an infection or something? Like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something."

"You know what? I've actually thought I've heard of this" I told him "It's a specific kind of infection."

Scott's eyes widened and stared at me.

"Are you serious?" asked Scott

I nodded my head "Yeah, it's called lycanthropy." I told him and Scott honestly started to freak out a little bit. "Is that bad?" asked Scott, Stiles obviously knew what lycanthropy was, so he played along.

"Oh yeah, it's the worst but only once a month." said

Scott moved his eyebrow "once a month?" asked Scott.

"On the night of the full moon" I told him and then Stiles made a howl. Scott hit Stiles and then we continued walking.

"It could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott said.

"Yeah, it's your stupidity" You told him.

"You're right, your sister is mean" he told Stiles.

We continued walking a little longer and then Scott stopped.

"I could've sworn that this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped the inhaler" Said Scott "Maybe the killer took the body" I told him "hope he left my inhaler, those things cost like 80 bucks" said Scott.

Then my brother punched our arms, making us aware that we weren't alone.

A man was standing there. He was pale, dressed all in black and in a leather jacket. Tall, built up body with dark hair... really good looking.

"What are you doing here?" he asked us as he walked towards us.

"This is private property"

"Actually, it's the community's property," I told him.

Derek shot me a glare, which I'm sure was meant to kill me. Stiles gave me a look to tell me to shut up.

"uh, sorry, man, we didn't know" Said Stiles.

"We were just looking for something, but forget it" Said Scott and then the man threw Scott his inhaler... how did he know that's what we were looking for?

The man walked away from us.

"Dude, that was Derek Hale. He's only like a few years older than us" said my brother once Derek was far away not to hear us.

"Who?" I asked him "don't you remember? His family burned down to death in a fire like 10 years ago. Dad had to deal with it, remember?" asked him.

"Oh yeah..." I said "I wonder what he's doing back" I said, Stiles scoffed.


Alison had asked me out to this party she was invited to. Lydia Martin's party. I was so nervous. I never go to a party, like ever.

I'm more of staying home, having a marathon while eating a junk food party kind of girl.

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