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genre; fluff
word count; 474
(Y/Ns pov)
I sat in the chair I sit on every Sunday morning, crossing my legs as I anticipated the arrival of a boy I didn't even know the name of.

I'm not a stalker, I swear. I'd never purposely come to a coffee shop at the same day, same time, just for a stranger- except for this boy, of course.

Even though i've never talked to him, I can tell he has a warm heart. He's quite the gentleman, holding the door for people and giving up his seat on busy days.

I'm surprised he hasn't noticed me yet. I've been caught staring so many times, yet, he hasn't said a word.

A faint blush grew on my cheeks as I watched him enter the shop. There were a couple flakes of snow on his hair that quickly melted away from the warmth of the shop.

He walked up to the cashier as I watched him fondly.

God, Y/N, you stalker.

But yet, no matter what ran through my head, I couldn't rip my eyes off him. He was interesting in an odd way, with his long legs and cold face that'd turn into the cutest smile you've ever seen.

I laid back and glanced away as he looked around at the familiar coffee shop. I felt his eyes on me, hovering for a second before he finally received his order.

He thanked the cashier but yet, he didn't leave. He always ordered a grande vanilla latte, did he order something extra today?

I felt like such a creep. What is happening to me?

After a little bit, the cashier passed him another order. I squinted to see it closer, practically choking on air when I realized it looks like mine.

I rarely order when I come to watch this boy, but if I do, I always get a small black coffee. And there he was, holding the same exact thing. I watched him thank the cashier and walk away.

I held my breathe as he weirdly came closer to my direction. Usually, he'd sit on the other side of the shop- table 5, if we're counting. But today he seemed to go the opposite way.

I was about ready to scream.

I grew a tomato red as he came up to me, flashing his perfectly white smile. His eyes were so warm and genuine. I almost passed out when handed me the black coffee.

"Just the way you like it." he winked, walking out of the store. I watched with wide eyes as he walked out and got into his car. When I knew he was gone, I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"What the fuck."
this ones really short but it is what it is 👹

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