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We have landed now and we're now home. After a somewhat long trip to our apartment, the first thing I do is run in the kitchen. Oh how I've missed this kitchen. I finally pull away from a 20 second hug from the fridge, then I see Jordan looking at me like I'm insane.
"WHAT? I missed cooking here! You know how I love cooking!" I say.
He chuckled, "well then... Just don't fall in love with the fridge..."
"I won't, the only person I'm in love with is you!" I move closer and peck his lips.

Oh how nice it is to be back!


I log on to teamspeak after an hour of just getting settled back in. There was Will, just alone... Typical Will. "HEY BUD!" I scream in the mic.
"JESUS CRIST! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT IF ME BRO!" He was breathing heavily.
"Wow... Really Will?" Star said from the bed.
"Yeah! He scared the absolute shit out of me, now leave me alone!!"
"User left your channel"

We both burst with laughter. "Come on, let's go watch something!" I hold my hand out for her.
"Okay," she took my hand. As soon as she was on her feet, I pulled her into a kiss. The feeling of her lips were so amazing, like a soft pillow. After we pulled away, she pulled me to the couch.

"What should we watch?" She asks.
"A movie that is beautiful and full of meaning!" I answer.
"Someone's feeling inspired today!"
"Well maybe I just feel passionate!"
"And that's from?"
"The kiss." I smiled.
"Huh? Maybe I should do that more often, cuz I really wanna see The Others right now!"

We turned the movie on and she curled up against me, her knees resting on my lap while her head layed on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, knowing that I could never live without her.

+Time Skip to next morning+

I woke up to the amazing sound of rain, oh what a wonderful sound it was. I slightly open my eyes to see Jordan's eyes, they looked worried.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Ugh, well, your dad called your phone and left a message. He said that he was in Seattle looking for you. I don't know how he found out you were here, but apparently he knows." His voice shutters.
"What? Well... I don't really hunk he'll be able to find us. Besides, this city is huge!" I try to keep calm, knowing he would do anything to find me now.
"Well, let's just go to iHop to get breakfast. It's kinda late for you to make pancakes..." He went back to smiling again. I loved his smile.

+at iHop+

We already ate and were about to leave.
"Hey, I'll be right back, I need to use the restrooms." Jordan says.
"Okay I'll just wait here." He went in, knowing he would be back in a couple of minutes. I just stood around for a while, then I was being pulled.

Someone was pulling my arm. I fell to the ground and attempted to free my arms, but again, I was weak. I looked up to see the same disappointed face. The frowning gray eyes, the fluffy eyebrows, the nasty looking beard. It was my dad.

"Dad?" I murmured.
"We're, going back to NY now." He said plainly.
"No! Please! Let me go!"

He didn't listen. He dragged me out of the store, before the door closed, I saw Jordan, his eyes wide, his mouth open. He tried to run to me, but before anything could happen, I was in a car. Because I hit my head to the door of the car, I slowly began to be dizzy, then unconscious.


He was there. He took her away. He took my girlfriend away. He took my life away. How could he do such thing? I tried getting to her, but it was too late. I was too late.


Hours later I wake up in my old bedroom. The only difference is that there is no computer in his room now. I was taken back, taken away, forever. My old life is being repeated. That hell is being rewinded. No... No... NO...

I look around to see my phone, I quickly text Jordan.
S- Jordan!!! Help me!!
J- your alive! Thank goodness, I'll try whatever I can! Don't worry!
S- pleas Jordan, save me from this hell! I don't want my old life repeated! Please help me!
J- don't worry! You're my top priority! I won't do anything else but find you. I promise to save you! I love you! I'll find you no matter what! I'll find you Before Anything!
S- thank you! I love you too!

As soon as I typed that last bit, my father rushed in the door and took my phone away. Immediately after that, he smashed it into half. Tears fell down my face. Not because of my phone, but because my only communication device was gone. He slammed the door shut, locking it from the outside.

I had no where to go, all I could do was cry. But the last thing Jordan said stuck with me. He said he'll find me Before Anything. Hopefully he sticks to his promise. Hopefully he'll be there to save me. Hopefully.


There you have it!
The last chapter of my first ever story!
I know this story didn't have much drama in it, but I was making constant good memories for her to even suffer more when he's not around!
I know I'm cruel, but whatever!!
I love you guys so so much!
The sequel will be coming soon!
And yes, the main character does have a similar name to mine.
Well my real name at least.
My real name means star sooo...
Love your little reading eyes!

Before anything (A Bayani FF ♥️) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now