
100 3 2

May 13th


The other guys are coming today, only a few are coming though. Only Will, Graser, and Kevin are actually coming. This kinda makes me sad, but I still have my best friends here. We go meet them and pick them up.

We all decided to hang out at Kevin's hotel. The other guys went to buy dinner, while Pecket, Kevin, and I decided to kinda set up for it.

"So are you exited?" Kevin asked, looking my direction.
"About?" I was definitely confused.
"Being in Australia."
"That's a stupid question..." I raise an eyebrow.
"Guys, I'm gonna go get some pillows. What if someone decided to stay the night here?" Pecket walked out, just to ignore all the unpacking shizz.

"So, about the video Jordan made the other day, you seemed pretty uncomfortable. Do you not actually like him or something?" He asked in a much deeper tone.
"I do like him! That's again a stupid question, I just don't feel comfortable around cameras." That should explain.
"C'mon! It can't be just being camera shy! That's an obvious lie!"
"Well, it's not! I love Jordan and I will continue to love him. I only will continue to hate the camera." Why didn't he believe me?
"Well, are you sure you actually love him?"
I raise my eyebrows, again. "Why would you think I would go out with a guy I don't like?"
"I can tell you don't like him."
"Kevin, just stop! I love him! If you're not gonna believe me, then fine! But I really do truly love him!"

We stay silent. Seconds later I hear heavy breathing. "Kevin, are you okay?" I turn around and he pushes me against the wall, pinning me to it. "KEVIN, LET ME GO!" He grabbed my wrist, not letting me move away from the wall.

I was small, I was weak, I couldn't move out of his grasp. He started to lean forward. I refuse to let him kiss me. I try moving my head, but I soon feel him holding both of my hands with one of his, and now his other hand has grabbed my neck. "Kevin! Please don't." I try to speak. He looks at me like he has no soul. Help.

I then hear laughter from outside the door. Suddenly the door unlocked and the guys were back. They were all laughing, but when they saw me, they stopped.

"Yeah, so he- KEVIN!" Jordan yells and rips Him off of me. I started to choke because of his grasp around my neck. Will ran up to me and pulled me up while Jordan had pinned Kevin to the ground.

"What the fuck Kevin! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jordan mumbled as he punched Kevin in the face. Graser came up and held Jordan so he couldn't punch him anymore. I still couldn't breathe.


We were having fun, we unlocked the hotel room and then I saw it. "Yeah, so he- KEVIN!" I see him, holding Star by her neck against the wall. I didn't know if he was about to kill her or kiss her, and nor did I care. I just tackled him off of her while Will ran to pick her up. She was choking. How could he?

"What the fuck Kevin! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I try to say, but I'm just speechless, and not in a good way. I punched him hard, knowing that someone would stop me. I just wanted to get out most of the frustration out first. Then I felt Graser's arms pick me up. I looked over at Kevin again, he was passed out.


Kevin was passed out on the floor, and I couldn't catch my breath. "Guy, she can't breathe at all! I think we need to get her to the hospital!" Will tried to keep calm.

My body was soon numb and I blanked out.

<hours later>

I hear voices. "Look officer, when she wakes up, she can explain everything! I swear I didn't attack him for no reason! He's lying! Why do you think she's passed out then? And why is her neck all black? I would never do that to my own girlfriend! Even the guys that were with me saw that!" It was Jordan, most likely arguing with an officer. I attempted to open my eyes, finding Bee, Dul, Will, Pecket, Mitchele, and Graser standing there.

"SHE'S ALIVE!!" Be yelled a tad bit too loud for a hospital. I saw the doctor rush over to me and start to ask me random questions.

After a few rounds of the question game, the doctor smiled! "She's okay!" Then he walked out the room and from the window, I saw Jordan's eyes sparkle. He dashed to the room, pulling me into a hug, watching my neck. I hug him back. After I let go, I saw the officer looking at me.

"Ma'am, can you explain he situation you were in?" He looks at me blankly.
"Well, I was helping Kevin to unpack, then we talked, then he grabbed me and pinned me to the wall attempting to... Ehh... I guess r- rape me. Then he started choking me. Then Jordan walked in and jumped on him to stop him. He also did slip a punch, but in my opinion he deserved it!" I mumble here and there, and I also sounded like I lost my voice.

The officer wrote down a few notes, "okay Jordan, I guess there will be no charges directed to you, but as for Mr.Vieira, he owes charges to you and to the court. Have a good day." He explained and walked away.

Jordan sighs and sits down on a chair.

"Are you okay?' Will walked up to the bed, followed by Bee, Dul, Pecket, Mitchele, and Graser.
"I guess so... I can't really feel much of my body... I hope I am though." I still can't speak.
"Guys! Don't make her talk, her voice needs to come back." Dul says, then they back away.

They backed away, leaving me. I knew the minute I got my senses back, I would be in extreme pain. I decided to enjoy this senselessness. I closed my eyes and drifted asleep.


This story is ending soon.
This story WILL have a sequel!
This story is turning out weird...
I fell sad for this chapter...

As usual, leave your comments! If you want to!
Love you all! Bye!

Before anything (A Bayani FF ♥️) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant