"This is all that survives of their Home World." The Dalek stated before returning to the Ark. "What's inside?" Rose asked as she looked at Galaxy. "The future." The Daleks called. "I don't rightly know, but it can't be good."


"Final stage of awakening." One of the Daleks said as they disconnected from the Ark and the black Dalek turned to Galaxy. "The Time Lady's handprint will open the Ark." "The Time Lady will not." Galaxy said shaking her head, she was trying to buy time, she had sensed the Doctor had returned from the parallel world and it was a matter of time he'd get to her and the others, so she needed to get as much time as she could.

"Obey or the humans and robot will die." The Dalek threatened and Galaxy frowned. "You will not touch them, nor will I let you." She said as she felt her arms tense. "Galaxy, don't." Mickey said as she walked toward the casket. "Place your hand upon the casket." The black Dalek told her and she rolled her eyes, she wasn't an idiot. "Before I do, I have a question. Since you obviously escaped the Time War like I did, do you know what happened to the Emperor?"

"The Emperor survived?" The black Dalek asked her and the others wondered what she was up to, really she herself didn't know, that was the thing that came to her head. "He did, until he came face to face with Armani, Rose if you ever wondered if I was known as something else like the Doctor it's that; Armani. Now, I met the Emperor when I took the Time Vortex in me to save the man I love and I turned the Emperor and his followers to dust."

"You will be exterminated!" The black Dalek shouted and pointed it's laser at Galaxy who tensed.

"I'd hold that thought for a minute." A voice called and they turned to see the Doctor standing there with his hands in his pockets and his 3D glasses on, Galaxy would think he didn't have a care in the world but she could see the stiffness in his posture as he looked at the Daleks.

"Alert, alert, you are the Doctor!" One of the Daleks exclaimed, and the Doctor just walked further into the room and went right to Galaxy, pulling her into his arms and hugging her tightly. 'You need to stop making a habit of this.' Galaxy chuckled slightly as she wrapped her arms around him. 'It's only happened twice, but don't worry I won't.' She told him as he placed a kiss on top of her head and took in her scent of fresh paint and strawberries that always carried with her regenerations.

"Sensors report he is unharmed." Dalek Thay stated as the two pulled away but the Doctor kept and arm around her, just for a physical contact. "That's me. Always." The Doctor said as he glanced at the Daleks. "Then you are powerless." The black Dalek said. "Not me. Never. How are you?" The Doctor asked looking at Rose. "Oh, same old, you know." She responded grinning. "Good! And Mickity-McMickey! Nice to see ya!" He said as he bashed fists with him.

"And you, boss." Mickey responded. "Astro, you've been behaving for Galaxy here?" The Doctor said as he smirked at Astro who shook his head. "I always am, it's you that doesn't." He responded and his tail wagged when the Doctor hit the spot he liked on his head when he stroked him. "Social interaction will cease!" One of the Daleks shouted. "How did you survive the Time War?"

"By fighting. One the front line. I was there at the fall of Arcadia. Someday I might even come to terms with that. But you lot ran away!" The Doctor responded, Galaxy and Astro were there as well, it had been falling around them as they went to find the Doctor. "We had to survive." "The last four Daleks in existence. So what's so special about you?"

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