First Tour Concert!

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for letting me see my little baby before we leave," she thanks Shawn and I groan.

"I'm not a baby anymore," I protest.

"You're right," she sighs. "You're seventeen, going on tour, and signed to a record company."

Meg walks downstairs and then sees Shawn and I. "SHAWN!" she screams before running downstairs and giving him a hug.

"Wow," I shake my head, "I'm the forgotten one."

"No, I saw you," Meg laughs. "Shawn's just nice to me while you're mean."

"Psh, I'm not that mean," I laugh uneasily and she raises an eyebrow.


"Okay, that was really fun," I agree. "But I had a reason to do that."

"What was the reason?" Meg asks.

"Girls, break it up!" my mom growls. "Meg, give Shawn some space and give Lexie a hug."

Meg groans, but trudges over and gives me an awkward hug.

"I'm not trying to break up this little family reunion, but we need to get to the airport soon," Shawn interrupts.

"Yeah," I agree. "We'll see you guys when we come back."

"Be careful!" my mom reminds us as we walk out of the door.

"We will," I laugh as we get into the car and start driving away.

When we reach the airport, I take out my bags, so does Shawn, and then head into the airport.

"YOUR FLIGHT TO INDIANA IS BOARDING RIGHT NOW!" Angela screams at us as we step through the door.

I look down at our tickets and see which gate we need to go to and then start sprinting to it, considering the fact that it is at the other side of the airport.

"We're... not... going... to... make... it..." Shawn gasps in between breaths.

I ignore his super positive comment and continue to run down through the airport.

The gate comes into sight and I start shouting and waving my hands- they're getting ready to shut the boarding door.

"WAIT!" Shawn yells while trying to get their attention. The girl who is getting ready to shut the door stops when she sees us.

A few seconds later we make it over to her and show her our tickets.

"Don't fret too much," the girl laughs while scanning the tickets and handing them back to us. "You made it."

"Yes," I smile while still breathing heavily. "We didn't miss our flight."

"Have a good trip," she tells us while letting us through and onto the airplane.

"Thanks! Have a good day!" Shawn exclaims.

Angela and Charles made it on the plane too so we all found our seats. I sit right by Shawn and then Angela and Charles are sitting somewhere in the front.

"Hey," I giggle. "The first time we met we were on a plane."

"Oh yeah," Shawn smiles. "That's a big throwback. And remember when we signed each other's phone cases?"

"YES!" I laugh. "We were both fangirls."

"I'm a fanboy," he corrects me.

"Sorry," I defend while throwing my hands up in the air.

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now