(**Instead of PNC its KBC and a giant K on U8S)

Izuku was awestruck when he eyed the building from his window, removing his seat belt so his whole body was basically plastered against the door. He's never entered such enormous building before and it kind of scared him.

"Quite impressive isn't it?" Katsuki spoke with a prideful smirk from behind, also removing his seat belt and stepping out when his phone began to ring. "Yeah..." was all Izuku could answer breathlessly, he was astounded by the buildings overall size and design. 'Oh! I can see the people inside from here!'

Katsuki POV:

"THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T DO IT?!? I FUCKING PAY YOU TO DO AS I SAY!!" Katsuki roared at his phone. Before he had picked up Izuku from his house, he made sure to talk to his interior designer to make arrangements so that Izuku's work place can be in the same room as he would be. Unfortunately, the designer said that his whole schedule was full and if he were to do the job, he would ask double the pay. Not only that, but both of them would be cramped into the room. The designer basically listed out a full list of the problems they both would face if they placed in the same working place, keep in mind that they are omega and alpha.

"YOU USELESS PIECE Of SHIT!!! THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!?!" Katsuki continued shout, his threatening pheromones going lose, making any passerby go weak on the knees or tremble in fear. Iida tried his best to clam the enraging Alphas but came to no use.

Promptly after admiring the building, Izuku stepped out the car after hearing intense shouting, only to be hit with a pungent and threatening smell in which he immediately covered his nose. He looked over to the direction of the source of said scent and found the driver trying to calm down his new boss who was still shouting at his phone. Izuku then began to feel his own knees weaken and small pants escaping his lips as he tried to comprehend why the alpha was so mad. "M-Mr. Baku-gou...?" Izuku held himself up by holding onto the roof top of the vehicle as he tried calling out Bakugou's name, but simply came out as a whisper. If it weren't for Katsuki's sharp hearing, he wouldn't have noticed the small pleas coming out of the omega. And in a matter of seconds Katsuki noticed he was releasing his pheromones and at once hanged up his phone and went to the omegas aid.

"My deepest apologies Izuku, I wasn't aware you had exited the car already..." Katsuki said as he helped the poor omega stand up.

" I-it's okay, Im fine...just a little dizzy" Izuku responded as he held onto Bakugou's hand for support. 'Dammit...this isn't good for me since my heat is near' "Can you walk on your own? Do you want me to carry you inside?" Katsuki asked worryingly, noticing how the omega wobbled slightly trying to stand. The question only made Izuku blush profusely, the simple thought of having Bakugou carry him made his heart flutter.

" Your face is now growing re-"

"IM FINE! Really...thank you" Izuku harshly interrupted, letting go of Bakugou's hand and fixing himself, the attention overwhelming him.

"Alright , we should head inside then, we may have already missed a meeting at this point." Katsuki said as he looked down at his watch. As if on cue, the office secretary came dashing out from the building towards Bakugou, papers and sticky noted flying out of her hands.

"Mr. Bakugou! The Edgeshot company have been waiting for you for over 20 minuets now!" She exclaimed, shoving a pack of papers to his chest. " These are the main points that are going to be discussed! Now head on in there before we lose another them!" She scolded as she began to push Bakugou from behind.

"OI! What the fuck?! I can fucking walk on my own!!" Was the last thing Izuku could hear from Katsuki as he was being pushed inside the building by the orange haired woman.

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