F I V E.

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As the morning arrived, Aya felt her self shivering under the thin bed sheets.

Supporting her body while she leaned on her elbows, she looked around the room, that was a whole mess. Pillows on the floor, fallen glasses, Kuina sleeping on the very edge of the bed, and Chishiya sitting across them. Wait, what;

"What the hell is wrong with you;" Aya called out, her dark brown eyes falling on the man's figure.

Chishiya, as always, pierced Aya with his cold gaze and the usual smirk appeared on his face. "Nothing." he simply answered.

"First of all, what are you doing in my room;" Aya asked. Her feet touched the floor as she stood up, and her arms reached to pick up the numerous things that had fallen.

"I was searching for Kuina." Chishiya explained, leaning back on the chair. "And you, in particular."

Aya raised an eyebrow before she stopped her task for a minute, paying attention to what Chishiya had said. "After sabotaging me; How sweet."

"I still wonder why someone as intelligent as you fell for such a white lie." Chishiya murmured. His hands, that were until then placed deep in the pockets of his hoodie, were now resting on his lap.

"Because people make mistakes,Chishiya." she lowered the tone of her voice after noticing Kuina moving. "Still,lying doesn't make you smarter." Aya hissed.

The light-haired man laughed to himself, just like if he had remembered an inside joke. He stood up, as he stretched his body, and then he turned to face Aya again. "Why did you trust me;"

A flashback on the first time they met was enough for Aya to understand what Chishiya meant. She shouldn't have trusted him. He was the one that hinted how much of a liar he was, while she agreed with him that trusting anyone as soon as that was stupid. Yeah, Aya definetely felt stupid. "You're right. " the woman stated. "I shouldn't have."

"Anyway, it was a foul play." Chishiya added,bending to look at Kuina. "But you're smart enough, i give you points for that."

"I wasn't waiting for you to tell me."  the woman ironically murmured, as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Ann told me." Chishiya continued. "You seem to have gained the sympathy of a few executive members already."

Aya's head popped in the door frame, her eyes falling on the man as she grabbed her toothbrush. "Really? At least there are people that don't want to kill me."

"Now you're being mean." the blond tapped Kuina's shoulder gently. "I was just testing you." he finally took a step back when the girl stretched her arms.

"Wait, what's going on?" Kuina asked.

If it wasn't for her messed up looks and her confused face, glancing at Chishiya right when she woke up, Aya wouldn't have laughed that much – but for some reason Kuina looked completely lost and it was one of the funniest things she had seen in a while. "Just Chishiya paying us a visit." Aya replied.

"Can i wake up one morning without seeing your face?" Kuina grunted, covering her face with a pillow.


"Sucks to be you, Kuina." Aya rinsed her mouth with cold water, before making her way back to the other room.

Chishiya just smirked as he sat back at his seat, Kuina blandly eyeing him. "Sucks to be me." he sighed.

"Last time i checked, i said Kuina."

"We have freedom of speech." Chishiya turned his head to look at Aya.

"Right, and i have the freedom to leave." Aya shot a smile at the man, before slipping into her shoes. "I'll be at the roof if you need me." she mumbled to Kuina, before stepping out of the room.

Dealing with Chishiya this early in the morning surely wasn't very pleasant ,if it was early at all ; Aya had completely lost track of time in the Beach. Still, the urge to stay alone for a few moments was too strong to ignore, and that's how the girl found herself resorting to the roof, which had already become her favorite space in there.

Well, not only hers.

"Did you sleep well, princess?"

A grin was drawn on Aya's face as she saw Niragi – even if she didn't feel like seeing anyone, she didn't really bother hanging out with the man. "Kind of." this time, the girl took a seat next to him. "What about you?"

"I told you, sleep is for the weak." Niragi brought his almost finished cigarette to his lips, before inhaling. "But yeah, i slept well."

Aya couldn't help but let a little giggle out, and as Niragi threw the cigarette off the roof, she tilted her head to the side. "Where did you get that scar?" Niragi asked once again, his finger touching the girl's knee.

"It's probably from yesterday." Aya sighed.

"It must've hurt." the man raised an eyebrow, while he examined the wound.

"You're telling me?" Aya mumbled, her sight falling on Niragi. "I almost died twice yesterday ."

Niragi subtly smirked, taking his hand away. "It will be fun once you get used to it."

"I'll have to deny your offer." Aya spoke again. "Almost dying isn't my thing."

"Then, will you accept my offer of a cigarette?" after searching in his pocket, the man extended his arm only to hand her the packet of cigarettes.

"I don't smoke." the girl blurted out, making Niragi nod. "Nor i am planning to."

"You can always start, however."

"She said she isn't planning to do so, however." as soon as  Aya heard the voice , she turned around.

Facing Chishiya was what she least expected , the man hiding under his white hood as he approached them – with Niragi looking at him in such a despicable way, almost like his whole day was ruined just by Chishiya's presence. "What's wrong with you, Chishiya?"  the militant scoffed.

"I don't understand what your problem is." Chishiya just shrugged his shoulders, taking a few more steps closer to the pair. "Oh, did i ruin your little moment?"

"If you weren't an executive member, you'd be buried ten feet underground already." grabbing his riffle, Niragi made his way to the stairs.

Chishiya took the opportunity to seat himself next to Aya, this time taking his hood off to reveal his whole face. "I guess you two don't like each other." Aya mumbled.

"You're a good guesser." Chishiya replied. "I absolutely despise the militants." 

"Why's that?" 

"I can't stand people that think they rule the world." Chishiya exclaimed. "At the end of the day, we're all stuck in here no matter what."

Aya sighed, her fingers fidgeting with the ends of her shirt. "Is there even a way to escape Borderlands;" 

"Who knows. Many theories go around."  the blond answered. "The only thing sure is that if you keep hanging out with Niragi, you probably won't survive long to see that day coming."

"Chishiya, i swear to god, if you came all the way here just to be salty about Niragi-"

"No, this wasn't my only reason." his statement made Aya sublty roll her eyes, a little 'tsk' sound leaving her lips. "I wanted to show you something."

YOOOOOO. i'm back in my aib phase after a year of not updating,uhm hello ig;;; i hope there are still people interested in this story. anyways, enjoy :)))

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