O N E.

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"Aya Sakamoto."

The man took a seat facing the girl, one of his hands firmly holding a loaded riffle. His well sculpted face formed a small but still noticeable smirk, as he analyzed every inch of the girl with his mysterious gaze.

Aya didn't know his name. She didn't even know why she was there at the first place. The last,blunt thing she remembered was passing out at a game with tigers. Who in the hell sets tigers free to go on a human hunt; Seems like fate didn't want her dead ; otherwise she would be another meal to the animals rather than on this hotel.

"An expert on heart games, i see." his smirk grew bigger. He leaned back against the chair, adjusting his self to feel comfortable, before throwing the paper away. "You must be manipulative." the black haired laughed loudly, without breaking eye contact.

Manipulative was such a heavy word, but not when it came to describing Aya. The girl had the charisma ; she had always a seducing smile and an innocent attitude, that made almost everyone think that she would never cause harm. In fact, it was more like her secret weapon to confuse people around her, and whoever joined her in heart games would most likely end up dead. But that was survival.

"And who are you, mister soldier;" she joked, slightly licking her lips.

The man stood up, pushing the chair so it wouldn't be in his way. He sat at the very edge of the table, his legs falling next to Aya's body, and he leaned a little closer to her face. "Why should i tell you, princess;"

"Well, at least tell me why i am here."

"This place is called The Beach. We basically collect cards from games until we collect all of them except the figures. Apart from games, we have fun, like we're in an exotic resosrt. It's not hard to follow our rules, just don't betray us and you'll be fine." he stated,before turning back to his previous posture. "I won't go into more detail, ask anyone else if you want to know stuff."the armed man jumped off the table, walking out of the room.

"You never told me your name." Aya called out, being sure of what exactly would follow next.

As she predicted, the figure turned back, his head appearing behind the door frame. "You'll have to find out." he snickered, sticking out his pierced tongue. And then, he left.

Aya was alone in the room, which didn't made her mad. She had some time to organize her thoughts and collect the metal strength that she need to adapt to the new situation. Drowned deep in her thoughts, she barely felt anything when a hand tapped her shoulder. On the second or third tap, she returned to reality, only to realize a woman was standing next to her.

"New here;" she asked, shoving her hands deep inside her pockets.

Aya took a moment to admire the woman in front of her, before actually responding. "Unfotunately, yes."

"It's not as bad as it seems." she remarked, reaching for one of the numerous key that were set aside. "Common, let's get you a room." she gently smiled, leading her on the second floor.

"So, how long have you been here for;" Aya asked, picking up the pace so she could walk next to the girl.

Her new friend turned her head a few inches around, and shot a sympathetic glance over Aya. "I don't know exactly, but for at least a few weeks for sure.By the way, i am Kuina."

"I am Aya." she introduced her self, as her gaze fell to the rooms that they were passing by. "And i feel really unwanted here." Aya continued.

"That's because you haven't made any friends yet. I can introduce you to some people, but just to be clear, i am not much of an extrovert either." Kuina murmured.

Aya laughed and nodded,not taking long for her to realize that the two of them were somehow alike. Maybe that was a good start.

Kuina stopped a few meters away, before unlocking a room door with the key she was holding. Aya took a peek inside the apartment-sized space, which only left her with widened eyes and a mouth drop. "This place is huge."

"And you haven't even seen the double bed ones." Kuina crossed her arms under her chest, while watching the girl explore the room.

Aya took a few steps further, as she entered the room that was filled with sunlight. Her past, normal life wasn't a poor one, not at all, nor it washer first time staying in a resort, but she wasn't used to this much luxury. She allowed herself to fall on the king-sized bed, hugging a pillow as her eyes glued on the ceiling. What a turn her life had took, how many days were left until her visa expired; And yet again, who was the guy that she met a few minutes ago;

"Do you know who is the one responsible for the new people here;"

Kuina furrowed her eyebrows, this time joining the girl in the room. "I am the one that usually shows them around, but there isn't anyone specific. It always has to be someone from the council, to explain the rules and stuff like that, but no one has taken the responsibility up to them."

"What council;" Aya asked. Every moment that passed, a new lust for answers grew inside of her. Now, she had Kuina, that could finally explain.

"The council are members that the Hatter has in an upgraded position, and they help him with taking decisions. Let's just say that these are the people he trusts the most." Kuina explained briefly.

Still, the confusion existed. "And who is the Hatter;" the brunnete questioned once more.

"Whoever brought you here, did not explaining at all, right;" Kuina growled to herself. How could one be so irresponsible to let a new member of The Beach with such a lack of basic information; "The Hatter is the leader, the boss of this place. He created The Beach to protect such good players and to use their cards to prove his theory ; that once we collect them all, we can send someone to the normal world once again." the girl answered. "You should know that there also is Aguni and his men. You know, people that take care of more practical stuff like killing traitors and preventing Beach members from turning against the Hatter. They are in control of all the weapons,and they always keep a gun in hand."

Then, it suddenly clicked. The man she had seen before, was one of Aguni's men. And even if he sounded dangerous, Aya craved to learn more and more. "Who are his men;"

"His main side-chick is Niragi. Don't mess with him. He's extremely agressive, even if he makes you think he's sweet."

"Is he the one with piercings;" God, Kuina was getting tired of the questions. If there was something she would want to talk about, that for sure wasn't these cocky bastards.

"Yeah." she scoffed. "Ugly, right;"

"Well..." Aya hesitated for a split second. "Yeah."

She didn't know to who she was lying ; Kuina or herself. Was Niragi really an ugly, careless creature, or was she attracted to him just because he was the first one to show her attention;

Oh lord.

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