S I X.

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"What the hell? Out of all the things you could've had, an anatomy book?" 

As Aya held the heavy book in her hands, confusion began to take over her. If it wasn't for the absolutely befuddled look on her face, Chishiya wouldn't have enjoyed it that much - but as the woman began to flip the pages to examine the book better, the corners of his mouth lifted into an amused smirk.

"Wait. You're either a serial killer, or a medical student." Aya murmured once again, making Chishiya nod.

"I had just left my anatomy class when the whole Tokyo disappeared. It was just me and my book, and i ended up carrying it all the way here through all the games anyway." the man explained. 

"Wasn't it heavy;" Aya questioned, finally leaving the book on the bed table. 

"It was, but it was expensive as well." Chishiya added, earning a soft laugh from her. "I wanted to prove to you that we're not as different as you think we are."

Raising an eyebrow, Aya glanced at Chishiya with disbelief in her eyes. "That's the part where i'll have to disagree."

"Aren't you a psychology major?" 

"How did you know?" Aya's eyes widened at Chishiya's question. The two hadn't had the chance to start a conversation like this ever since she arrived at the Beach - if anything, that wouldn't be the first thing she'd let him know either.

"Kuina told me." Of course it had to be Kuina, Aya thought to herself. 

"Apparently being a psychology major isn't enough to psychoanalyze anyone in here." Aya mumbled, her hands resting on her knees.

Chishiya took a few steps closer to the window , the light breeze of air making a few straps of his hair wave around. "But with the help of a medical student, it's enough to create a marvellous plan."

"What are you up to, Chishiya;" 

Before the man could reply, the door swung open, revealing Ann's figure behind it. "Executives are having a meeting in five minutes,Shuntaro."

"See you later then." with that, Chishiya and Ann had long disappeared in the hauls, leaving Aya sink in her thoughts.

Why would Chishiya approach her out of a sudden; Did he think everything could be perfectly fine after not even bothering to come up with an apology; Even if so, for some reason Aya felt an unsettling calmness whenever the two were talking in private. The few words they exchanged  in her room earlier, their little small talk about Chishiya's past here. Chishiya was for sure mysterious as hell, but this wasn't always the case. At this point, Aya felt like he wasn't a complete douchebag at all.

As minutes passed, the chaos in her head began to getting deeper and deeper, leaving her only one choice - to talk about it with Kuina.

It wasn't until afternoon when the other girl was finally free from her duties , ready to give her friend a hand ; but when Kuina heard the whole story, she had to keep herself from laughing. "Are we talking about the same Chishiya?" Kuina asked. "If so, there are two scenarios."

"Which are?"

"He is either trying to manipulate you because you're the easy stuff - you're a newcomer, with pretty much no experience compared to him." Kuina stated, her eyes falling on Aya. "Or he likes you,because i know damn well that Chishiya would never trust someone with that much information about him so easily."

"You're talking bullshit." Aya laughed, sipping from her water bottle a moment after.

"I honestly don't know. He's not talking about his feelings to me either." Kuina shrugged her shoulders, making Aya sigh. "Hey, enough about that. Wanna grab a drink?" 

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