I think I made him realise how pissed I was about everything he's done, because he doesn't try to push further or give counter arguments.

We just go sit at the table, trying not to seem suspicious, but obviously, Beomgyu notices that we were taking a while. When I take a seat beside him, he asks me if everything is alright. I just say yes and change the subject.

During the entire meal, Dad doesn't talk to Beomgyu like he talks to the other adults at the table. I am really starting to think that he understands for real and that he didn't just say that before to make me happy as I thought at the very beginning. That apology was so dramatic it seemed overworked and fake.

But seems like it was legit.

Beomgyu and I kept having small debates between one another about rather stupid things, and every time we laughed our hearts out at the stupidity of our arguments - or even entire conversation - we end up alarming the parents who were just chatting in their bubble without noticing us, but we didn't care. We were having our fun like they were having theirs.

When we are done eating, Mom suggests Beomgyu and I go 'play upstairs' while they annex the living room. We agree and head to my bedroom. Once we're there, door closed, Beomgyu goes directly to the window.

" Can we go to the lake today?" he asks, mouth almost watering at the sight of the lake.

Today isn't necessarily a hot day, but the sun was still pretty bright, shining a blazing light on the field outside the house and reflecting on the lake, giving it a strong glimmer. The entire view looked really beautiful, and seemed a lot like painters' paradise canvas. Green grass, clear blue water in the lake, healthy trees, a deep blue sky powdered here and there by a puff of pure white clouds, not enough to cover the sun, but enough for Beomgyu to make shapes out of them.

I haven't done that in a while.

I listen to him as he babbles away, explaining to me how his imagination sees these white cotton candy-like structures, seeing something completely different every time a calm gust of wind pushes some of the particles away.

I try to see what he sees and, although I manage to most of the time, I sometimes just notice a cloud, with no particular shape, yet Beomgyu always manages to see something.

"If you want to," I say, finally answering his question.


"We can go to the lake if you want to"

"OK, but uh... I didn't bring a swimsuit" he says softly, almost guiltily.

"I'll find something, don't worry," I say, trying to soothe him, even if I know he's way too thin for any of my swimsuits. I figure I can find something in some of my old ones, but they've been in the back of a drawer for so long the elastic must be dead. I guess we'll have to do a little swimsuit fitting session and a big closet cleanup.

Once he's done looking at clouds, we both decide to go downstairs to annoy the adults and ask if we can go to the lake. Once we have the authorization, we run back upstairs. Beomgyu crashes on my bed to take my teddy bear - well, his teddy bear - and hug it.

"Hey, let my teddy bear alone and come up here. We need to do a swimsuit fashion show"

"Are you serious?" he says, chuckling, as he gets up and makes his way to my closet.

"I'm not sure if my most new ones will fit you, you're so thin..."

"Don't you have, like, older ones?"

"That's the thing. I do, but I'm not sure the elastic is still alive"

I could see that he was reluctant to try my swimsuits on, and I could understand him: he was going to try on swimsuits that were potentially too big or broken.

Stay With Me - Yeongyu FFWhere stories live. Discover now