13 Adarian's plan enacted

Start from the beginning

Just then an attendant came in and announced to King Adarian that Marquis Praxis arrived to seek advice from his majesty. In his past life, he had left the Marquise waiting for hours before he saw him. He was a bust man after all. He didn't have time for nonsense. This time he was going to see the man right away. He had a plan that he needed to fall into place right away.

Adarian looked at the attendant. "Bring him in. Also..." He got the attendants attention, "Call in the Officiator, one you have brought the Marquis in." The attendant left, and Adarian sat at his desk continuing the paperwork that he had put off so far. 'I'm getting engaged in a moment.'

"The Marquis Praxis." The attendant announced. Marquis Praxis walked in feeling good about being seen right away. He knew the King was busy, and had expected to wait a long time, so he had set off to talk to the king right after calming Graciella down. He had to get Graciella married right away. Who better to see than the man who was responsible for their plight.

"Your majesty," Marquis Praxis bowed.

"State your business, Adarian didn't look up and continued his paperwork. He knew if he didn't act this way, then the Marquis would become suspicious.

"I've come to seek your advice. I've come to see you about my daughter's reputation. I know you don't pay attention to rumors, so i will explain. There are rumors going around that my daughters have loose morals, and they will sleep with anyone who asks them to. I've had invitations for my daughters to attend dinners with men unchaperoned! I need your help, your majesty. What can I do to fix this?"

Even coming back in time, the Marquis speech didn't change at all. He was soon going to start begging and pleading for the king to take responsibility. He didn't want to hear it. Half of it was slander against Olivia anyway.

"This is my fault," King Adarian said. "Don't worry. I'll fix this problem."

"Fix it," Marquis Praxis had expected more of a fight from this man. Was he being tricked?

Adarian put down his pen and looked at the Marquis directly in the eye. "You want me to marry her right?" King Adarian asked like it was obvious.

Marquis Praxis glowed with joy immediately. "Yes Your majesty!" He said overjoyed. "I really didn't expect this!" He really had expected that Adarian would not agree to this marriage.

"Good," the King said authoritatively as he began filling out his paperwork again. "Send her to the Castle tomorrow then. She'll have to start her bridal training immediately to become the queen. It's a big difference from just being a regular noble."

"Yes!" Cried the Marquis excitedly. This was so much better than he had thought it could be. "I will make sure Gabriella is ready!"

"Gabriella?" Adarian asked like he didn't know. "Who is that? I was talking about your daughter Olivia."

The Marquis was stunned, "O-Olivia?"

"Yes, Olivia." He looked.

"... My... daughter...Olivia?" He had a hard time saying that troublesome creature was his daughter.

"Who else but Olivia? This will fix the problem all around, don't you think? I was the first man she slept with. She may already be carrying my child, and now she is no longer engaged. Because I was her first, and she is marrying me, then she can even wear a white wedding dress. What else are you going to do with her if not have me marry her? Send her to the convent?" He said that last sentence with disdain as if only the lowest would send their daughter to such a place. He had said all of this to also make the Marquis notice that he had been paying attention to what was going on in his household. Adarian wanted what he said to strike a nerve, and he could see it hit.

"Of course not your majesty. I will get the girl ready." Marquis Praxis said, clearly shaken.

The girl. Did Praxis even see Olivia as his daughter?

Praxis was about to walk out the door when he turned, "Your majesty?"

"Speak," Adarian ordered.

Marquis Praxis had a sudden ray of hope. A thought of Olivia's stubbornness and rebellious attitude. "What if she doesn't want to come?"

At that moment King Adarian looked past the Marquis, "You're here." There was an Officiator at the door behind the Marquis.

Adarian turned and looked at Marquis Praxis, "She will not have a choice."

Adarian did not wait for the Marquis to leave. He said to the Officiator, "Take this down. I, Adarian Caliban, am now engaged to Olivia Praxis. This is in reparation of the damage I have done to her reputation and the reputation of house Praxis. As long as house Praxis stands, her father will receive a yearly amount of money from the crown. Olivia will have bridal training to become the next queen starting tomorrow. During which time She will have no visitors. This practice will continue after marriage, until I deem her ready to greet them as their queen."

The last bit was added on in a form of protection. If she were to be allowed visitors of any kind, who knows what that demon Gabriella would do to Olivia. He knew Graciella would never leave Olivia alone if he allowed visitors.

Marquis Praxis saw that with this, there was nothing he could do to change this decision. His Majesty must have heard the rumors of his horrible daughter, just like all the rest of the nobility. He was lucky Oscar hadn't gotten rid of the engagement years ago. Olivia seemed to always be acting out.

Oscars engagement to Olivia had been keeping their daughters reputation in good standing in spite of all her attempts to knock it down. It would have been better to adopt a kid off the street than keep her, And Now she was going to be the queen!?

This country would fall apart! It would be better to have Gabriella on the throne.

Adarian to Praxis reminded the Marquis before he left, "Don't tell anyone at all, including Olivia she is coming to the palace. Make her think you are really sending her to the convent, then bring her here instead."

If he was right, he might not be the only one to come back in time. Olivia was the one to ask that the engagement be annulled, and even to go to the convent. This was too big of a change from the past. The only explanation was that she came back too.

Author's note: Adarian is suspicious that Olivia has been reincarnated. Meanwhile Olivia does not expect to ever meet the man again.

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