
Looking back, Leo thought he should have been suspicious when the Phoenix asked him to wake up Luna.

She had been tired after tree jumping halfway across the United States (A feat Leo found incredible, and now owed Percy ten bucks for), and had ridden in the van when she felt tired. They had arrived at the mountain, and Azura had asked him to wake her up.

Leo reached over and whispered her name. A breeze stirred, blowing inky strands of hair across her face.


He snapped his fingers in front of her face.

Again, nothing.

Out of ideas and patience, he reached over and shook her.

That was a bad idea.

Luna shot upright, her eyes darting around like a startled animal. Her fingers latched unto his arm in a steel grip, and she twisted it. Hard. Leo let out a yelp of pain, before she realized it was only him. She let go with a muttered apology, before crawling out of the van.

They had stopped at the base of the mountain. It was a steep climb upward, and the sky was already growing dark. Everyone agreed it would be better to make camp and wait until tomorrow. This time, Leo was in charge of starting the fire, a task he was happy to complete. Soon, a bright orange blaze was eating away at the pile of wood.

Frank and Percy rolled up some logs around the fire, as Azura roasted some venison over the flames for them. Well, minus Piper. She had packed some sandwiches for herself and had those instead. It was interesting to watch how, in the mere course of a day, they had become allies. Trust was building between the demigods, Luna and the Phoenix.

"You know," Jason said as they gobbled down the deer meat. "I've been wondering about something." He turned to Luna, curious. "How did you know that I was a Son of Zeus?"

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Because you smell like one. Duh." The demigods stared at her. She stared back, unblinking. "What?"

"I'm sorry. Did you say I smelled like one?" Jason asked incredulously.

"Yes. Why?"

"Uh, Luna, demigods can't really... smell each other."

Luna frowned. "What do you mean you can't smell each other? You have stronger scents than anything!" She pointed to Piper. "Her scent is easily the strongest. Roses and perfume. Daughter of Aphrodite."

Piper groaned. "Of course."

"What do I smell like?" Leo asked.

"Motor oil and grease."


"Interesting." Annabeth murmured. "I wonder if you got that from you father."

"Weaving yarn and owl feathers plus an aura of intelligence makes you a Daughter of Athena." Luna said. "And he smells of salt water and fish. A son of Posideon."

"What about me?" Hazel asked. "And Frank?"

"You are earth and gems. Hadez, or Pluto since you are Roman. He is  sword metal and an aura of war. Mars I think."

Frank sighed. "That's what I get for being a child of war."

"At least you don't smell like a wet dog or something." Leo offered. Frank rolled his eyes.

"Wait. I've been told we smell like buttered bread. Is that true?" Percy asked.

Luna nodded. "From a distance, yes. But up close, you each have different smells. It's quite miraculous that no monster has attacked you yet, come to think of it."

"Oh. Cool." Percy finished off his meat and yawned. "Who wants to take first watch?"

"I will." Luna immediately volunteered. "I'm strongest at night anyway." There was no argument from the others as they turned in to their sleeping bags. Pyron and Azura transformed into fire birds and went to roost in the top of a nearby tree. Soon, the sounds of quiet, even breaths, and Leo's snores, filled the camp.

And Luna was alone.

She paced the encampment, trying to ignore the growing feeling of dread. Her dream from earlier had been real, that much she knew. But she had no idea for where Prometheus was, or how far away from the mountain he was. He could arrive in an hour, or in three days. And if he absorbed the last of Artemis's strength before he arrived, they could do nothing against his godly powers. People would get hurt.

Someone might die.

She wouldn't let that happen.

Luna checked to make sure her quiver was secure, then her daggers. Both were safe. She grabbed her bow from beside a log, and started for the mountain.

"I will convince Atlas myself. I will not let anyone get hurt."
Hey guys!

Hope your day is going well.

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Peace ✌️


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