Chapter 10:

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Krystal's POV:

A week had passed and not a lot changed. Well except for Han and Yuri they were talking a lot more than they used to. Actually they never did talk to each other. I wonder what happened?

"Krystal have you packed yet?" Yuri asked. "Yeah earlier why?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned. "Tell you? About what?"I asked. "About we were leaving today." She said. "Oh right, no I did tell you. I actually told you, texted you and called you."I smiled. She looked at her phone and her face turned red. "See now I'm hungry so I'm going to go downstairs to eat." I said. Since a week had passed two more episodes came out of the boy's TV series. I watched one and it was funny. I mean I didn't realise half of the time they were filming us and all but It was fun.

I opened the fridge and saw a cake. I took it out and felt an arm going around my shoulder. Just from the smell I could tell it was Hyunjin. "Yes Hyunjin?"I asked. "Oh nothing I was just wondering what you were doing that's all." He said. "I was going to have some cake. You want some?" I asked. "Sure." I cut a bit of cake and put it near his mouth but then put it into mine. He gave me a look of confusion and shook and I just gave him a smile. I turn around and saw Seungmin holding a camera up facing us.

"Since when were you there?" I asked. "Since Hyunjin's been here." He said. "How long have you been filming us?" I asked. "Since Hyunjin put his arm around you." He said. I gave him a nod. "Did you guys pack yet?"I asked. They both stopped moving and looked at me. "Pack?" Seungmin asked. "Yeah, we're leaving later."I said. A second later they both went away from me and headed upstairs. I had a weird look on my face and I could even tell. I put the cake back in the fridge and went upstairs to grab my bags.

"Hey Yuri." I said. "Don't talk to me." She said. "Ok." I laughed. I grabbed my bags and put them downstairs. I took a seat next to ChangBin. It was just us two and It wasn't very awkward surprisingly. "ChangBin." I said. He turned to face me. "I feel very jealous of you guys." I just realised what I had said then turned to face him. "Why?" He asked. "Well you all get along great, have enough free time and you guys can actually act like yourselves." I said. "You're making it sound like you can't act like yourself." He said. "Honestly...I can't." I said. He gave me a confused look.

"Just keep this between us but me and Yuri have to act as we're Felix's and Chan's childhood friends. But we are really not. I mean we have to act as we are so you guys don't expect that from a Kpop group. We have so much to do in that group and for two years I haven't seen my friend and family back in England. And me and Yuri aren't that close to our other two members and it's like we're not even in that group as everyone just knows those two." I said. He stayed silent waiting for me to finish.

"This must be a lot of information huh." I laughed. "Well yes but it makes sense now. I guess I see where you're jealous of all of us but you're here with us for two months and during those two month's you're like family to us." He said. "Family?" I asked. "It's hard to explain but normally when we have to talk to girl's or just people we don't know we get uncomfortable but with you and Yuri it wasn't like that. We felt comfortable after you guy's introduced yourselves and acted perfectly normal and you didn't change in front of a camera like some other people." He said. I never knew that having talked to ChangBin I felt more calm and relaxed.

"Krystal I hope you know that all of us are here for you two and it doesn't matter even after you leave we will always support you and so far these past couple of days you guys have been here, it's been way more fun." He said. "I never thought you'd be my therapist." I laughed. He laughed with me and everyone came downstairs. "Oh Chang only Seungmin, Felix and Chan know about us so please keep it a secret." I said. He gave me a smile and went to talk to the other's. Yuri came to sit next to me," Never thought i'd see you talk to Chang."
"Well he knows." I said. "So does Han." Yuri said. "How?" I asked. "It kinda slipped out." She said. I just looked at her weirdly and went back to look at my bags and noticed one of them were missing. "Ya! Where's my bag?" I asked. I looked over to the boys and saw Felix had my bag. "Felix!"I shouted. He started running away and I honestly couldn't be asked to follow him upstairs. He made his way up the stairs while I was at the bottom step. I made it a few steps up,"Felix!!!!! Just give me my bag!!!" I whined.

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