Chapter 2:

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Krystal's Pov:

We finally made it at the Inn. They showed us a tour around the house and told us all to go take a shower before we start anything. I took a shower before Felix,Chan and Yuri and all the others went before me. After I got out I went and went to find the bedroom I'll be staying in for the night. I put my bags on the floor and scrolled through my phone. I saw that both of my other band members were only so i texted onto the groupchat.

Me: Hi guys.

Bobae: Hi

Ivaline: Hi

BoBae: Where's Yuri?

Me: In the shower.

Ivaline: How is it staying with the Kids?

Me: I mean It's not bad. I haven't really spoken to any of them except Felix and Chan.

BoBae: Yeah, you have to stay there for 2 months. XD

Me: It's not our fault besides I got told you 2 have to stay at this game show for 2 months 2.

Ivaline: I know. It's so tiring I wish we could have swapped.

Me: No. I'd probably die as I don't have good stamina. XD

Bobae: XD

Ivaline: XD

"Krystal!"I heard someone shout.

Me: Sorry girls. I gtg bye mwah.

Bobae: Mwah

Ivaline: Mwah

I put my phone in my pocket and walked out my room to find everyone sitting on the floor. I took a seat next to Hyunjin and leaned back against the wall. Chan started talking,"안녕하세요 우리는 모두-(Hello everyone we are)"

"Stray Kids!"They boys shouted. "We're also joined by-"He looked at Yuri then me.



"이제 오늘 우리는 게임을 할 것입니다. 패자는 저녁 식사를 요리하고 청소해야합니다. 나는 게임을하지 않을거야하지만 다른 사람은 될 것입니다. (Now today we are going to play a game. The losers will have to cook dinner and clean up. I'm not going to be playing the game but the others will be.)"Chan said.

"나는 그 방에 가서 하나 전화거야. 어떤 임무를 얻을 당신은 그것에 대해 누구에게도 말할 수 없습니다 그리고 당신은 15 분을해야합니다. (I'm going to go in that room and call you all one by one. Whatever mission you get you can't tell anyone about it and you'll have 15 minutes.)" Chan said. He got up and headed to the room behind him and called all of us one by one. It was finally my turn after Yuri. I got up and walked into the room. It had a table with 4 cards on it. I picked on up and it said,"拥抱一个流浪儿童成员 5 次。"

I handed the card back to Chan and he started laughing,"I'm screwed. I don't even know them."I cried. I'm going to lose this. I took a seat next to Yuri and watched Chan come in,"15 minutes start now." I watched Felix sit on the stairs with a blanket. I might as well get one hug out of the way. I went over to Felix and gave him a hug and started asking everyone else to give me a hug. "Hyunjin." He looked up and I opened my arms. He gave me a suspicious look but gave me a hug in the end. I sat next to Yuri and we started talking about random things. I watched Hyunjin and Seungmin play fighting. "그에게 이야기하게!(Make him talk!)" Hyunjin said. I took that as an opportunity to hug the pair of them. They both seemed confused. Hyunjin turned around and gave me another hug. I'm actually debating whether I should have gone to the game show instead. I sat back next to Yuri and five more minutes went by. I touched my pocket and couldn't feel my phone, I looked towards Yuri,"Did you take my phone?"

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