Chapter 8:

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Krystal's Pov:

It was now the next day and we had gotten told that we had this game like show to go to. We finally made it there and headed to the changing room. Normally we'd be in different room's but they put us in the same one. I took a seat next to Seungmin and Hyunjin came over. "Krystal you said you'll be my partner."
"I did?Oh yeah." I gave him a nod then he walked away. I headed out of the room and to the area we were going to film in and it was in a room with a couch and two small couches.

I took a seat on the big couch looking at the camera and Yuri sat next to me. The camera's started rolling. "Are we supposed to say something?" I asked. "You guys will be starting then we'll tell you what's going on." PC said. "Ok." We both said. He started counting down and it was time to introduce ourselves. "Hi I'm Yuri."
"And I'm Krystal." I said. "오늘 각 Stray Kids 회원은 모두 누가 당신과 어떤 역할이 있는지와 관련이 있다고 말하는 카드를 받았습니다. 둘 다 가능한 한 그들과 함께 역할을 해야 합니다. (Today each Stray Kids member all got a card saying who'll there be related too out of both of you and what their role is. You both have to role play with them as much as possible.)" PC said.

"Oh no." I laughed. LeeKnow, Han, Felix and ChangBin came in. LeeKnow and Felix were both dressed up as girls. "Do we have to guess?" Yuri asked. The PC nodded. "Is LeeKnow and Han my parents?"I asked. PC nodded. I started laughing,"You too are my parents." Yuri also laughed. Chan and I.N came in looking like normal so it was harder. "Are they brother's?" I asked. PC shook his head. "Are they cousins?" Yuri asked. PC shook his head. "Are they playing the role of our boyfriends?" I asked. I hoped they'd say no. PC nodded. "What!?" We all looked at PC. "Is I.N Yuri's boyfriend?" I asked. PC nodded. Oh no...that would mean Chan is going to play as my boyfriend. Next Hyunjin and Seungmin came out. "Are they our brother's?" Yuri asked. PC nodded. "Is Hyunjin my brother?" I asked. PC shook his head. Thank god.

We were finally now in our 'family' and started roleplaying. "우리 가족의 친구를 사귀는 것이 좋지 않습니까?(Isn't it nice to have our family friends over?)" Felix said. We all nodded. "가족 친구라면. 왜 우리의 남자 친구는 여기에?(If it's family friends. Why are our boyfriends here?)" Yuri asked. "그래, 왜 그들은 여기에 있습니까? (Yeah why are they here?)" I asked. "첫째로 우리는 두 번째로 그들이 우리의 가족과 친구라고 권유했습니다.(Firstly we invited them and secondly they are our family and our friends.)" Han said. We all nodded. "흥미로운 일이 최근에 일어났습니까?(Has anything interesting happened recently?)" Chan asked. "최근에 새 고양이를 데려왔지만 죽었습니다.(I recently brought a new cat but it died.)" I said. "방법?(How?)" Hyunjin asked. "유리가 와서 걸려 넘어(Yuri came over and tripped.)" I said. They all held in their laughter.

"바로 다음 주제.(Right next topic.)" Chan said. "음, 여기 조용 하 게 뜨겁다.(Um It's quite hot in here.)" ChangBin said. "그래, 난 꽤 뜨겁다(Yeah I'm quite hot)" Felix said. "그래 너.(Yeah you are.)" Hyunjin laughed. "와우(Woah)" We all laughed. I was very shocked. "서로에게 질문을 해야 하는가?(Should we ask each other questions?)" Hyunjin said.

(Guys I'm literally using a wheel to decide who talks and this god damn wheel keeps picking Hyunjin.)

"확실(Sure)"Felix said. "오, 내가 먼저 갈거야.(Oh I'll go first.)" Seungmin said,"음 이 건 엄마를 위한 거야. 너희들이 만났을 때 아빠에 대해 어떻게 생각했는가?(Um this one's for Mum. What did you think of dad when you guys met?)" Seungmin said. "우리는 적이었다. 나는 그를 좋아하지 않았다.(We were enemies. I didn't like him.)"LeeKnow said. "무엇(What!)" Han cried. I couldn't stop laughing. "크리스탈은 찬에 대해 어떻게 생각했는가?(Krystal what did you think of Chan?)" I.N said. Why did he have to ask that?

"음, 어. 내가 그를 처음 만났을 때 그가 잘 되었을 것 같아요, 나는 행동하는 방법을 몰랐지만 나는 그에게 익숙해졌다.(Well uh. I guess he was well when I first met him, I didn't know how to act but I then got used to him.)" I said looking at Chan. He smiled at me and nodded. "찬 당신은 크리스탈에 대해 무엇을 좋아합니까?(Chan what do you like about Krystal?)" Yuri asked. "나는 그녀에 대해 무엇을 좋아합니까? 그녀의 목소리와 개성.(What I like about her? Her voice and personality.)" He said. Aw. I looked at Yuri and she seemed kind of mad. It couldn't be..could it? I'll ask her later. "누구든지 거기에 바람을 피우고 있습니까?(Is anyone cheating on their partner?)" ChangBin asked. There was silence. Chan and Yuri got up and left the room for a bit. "그들은 방금 떠났습니다?(They just left?)" ChangBin said.

"왜 그들은 떠났을까요?(Why'd they leave?)" Seungmin asked. "거기 우리에게 뭔가를 요리하려고.(There going to cook us something.)" I said. After a couple of talks, Yuri and Chan came in hand in hand. I stood up,"이것은 뭐예요!?(What is this!?)"I asked. I kept shaking my head,"당신은 내 가장 친한 친구와 함께 나에게 바람을 피우고 있습니까?(Are you cheating on me with my best friend?)" I asked, shocked. I honestly couldn't care less but we were roleplaying.

"크리스탈 이같은 것을 알아서 야 죄송합니다.(Krystal I'm sorry you had to find out like this.)" Yuri said. "아니요.. 괜찮아요. 난 그냥 오빠가 있을거야.( it's fine. I'll just have your brother then.)" I walked over to Hyunjin and sat on his lap.

After a while the game show finally ended and nothing exciting happened. Well except Seungmin going,"Krystal who stole your virginity i'll give it back to you." and then Hyunjin went," I took it and I don't plan on returning it." Yeah it was very weird. I think at some point we forgot the cameras were recording and started roleplaying real hard and funny. I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed though as not only what they both said but because I was still on Hyunjin's lap.

We were finally at the house astate and there were no cameras around. "Why did you guys have that conversation?" Their manager asked. "We forgot about the camera's and started to act normal,"Hyunjin said. Their manager forgave them and left. I took a seat next to Hyunjin,"You don't plan on giving me my virginity back?" I asked. "Can you even do that?" He asked. "Well of course, just have intercourse with the person who stole it off of you." I smiled. "Really?"He seemed to genuinely believe it. "No, I'm joking." I laughed,"Besides it's not like I'm not a virgin. I am Mary and purer." I laughed. I got up and headed back to my room to die of embarrassment.

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