Chapter 3:

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Krystal's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of a door being slammed, the light turning on and people making noises. I turned around to find all the boys in our room trying to wake us up. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 8:01am. "出去!(Get out!)" I chucked a pillow at someone and turned around to go back to sleep. I felt something hitting me so I turned around to find Felix and Seungmin smacking me with the pillow I chucked. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Why?"I asked.

"我们要去游乐园, 换个车, 然后下楼吃早餐。(We're going to an amusement park, get changed then come downstairs for breakfast.)" Chan said. I groaned and pushed them all outside. They took the hint and went downstairs. I closed the door to look at Yuri,"For two months if we have to wake up at around eight, I'm going to lose my mind." She nodded along with me. I went to the bathroom to wash my face then two people came in. "We picked out some clothes for you to wear,and we'll also be doing your hair and makeup." I nodded to what they were saying without any disagreements because honestly I wasn't even awake yet.

They told me to get dressed first so I did. I was in a bagy, long sleeve black crop top and light blue ripped jeans. I told the two I was ready and they started my hair and make up, my makeup was a natural look and my hair was put in a ponytail curled. Sometimes I wondered what I'd look like without a fringe. I got up and thanked them both and headed downstairs. I looked towards Yuri and she was wearing a dress, her hair was curled slightly. I took the only spar seat next to ChangBin.

We started eating and I had this meat," 你能把盐递给我吗?(Can you pass me the salt?)"I asked ChangBin. He grabbed the salt and handed it to me, "Thank you good sir."

After we finished eating, it was time to get going. It was quite hot. The manager didn't tell us what car we had to ginto so we did rock paper scissors. I lost and ended up going with Hyunjin, ChangBin, Han and LeeKnow. I said my far wells to Yuri meaning I'll see you up in heaven. I took a seat next to Han. Changbin was in front of us next to the driver while Hyunjin and LeeKnow were behind me. "Krystal." I turn around to face Han," What color is your hair?"

"Lilac."I smiled. He seemed very fascinated with my hair for some reason. "When did you uhh done?"He asked. "Oh about a month ago. He nodded.

"Old are you?"Changbin asked. "Oh um 19."I didn't really know what to say. "How tall are you?" Leeknow asked. "I'm 5'6" I laughed. A camera came towards my face, Han waved so I just copied him. "大家好。(Hello everyone.)" They all said. Then the camera disappeared. "Krystal, how did you meet Felix?"I turned around to look at LeeKnow. I gave him a questioning look,"Felix said you guys went to school together back in Australia." I nodded to say that's true-it's not. After more weird conversations, we finally made it to a car park. I got out and found Yuri and ran over to her. She gave me a hug. I saw the boys get into a line and me and Yuri had to join in. I stood next to LeeKnow. A camera and microphones were in front of us.

"One.Two.Three. 你好, 我们是流浪孩子。(Hello we are Stray Kids.)"The boys said. "Yuri."


"今天,我们将用拉链线到达一个岛屿。(Today we'll be going on a zip wire to get to an Island.)"ChangBin said. I looked at their manager as if to say Pardon? "我们将从湖到岛上的拉链衬里(We'll be zip lining from up there over the lake to the island.)"He said. I looked towards Yuri and she too didn't want to do it. The boys started moving so I followed them. Hyunjin and LeeKnow both had a camera and started talking to them. I didn't really pay attention as one:I was scared of height and two:I had Yuri holding onto my hand. We were going up this elevator and it finally stopped once we reached the top. I laid down onto the 'floor' and tried to calm myself down but it wasn't working. "What are you doing?"Felix asked me. "I'm crying inside." I said. I don't know who thought this was a good idea but if I find out who did this I won't hesitate to hit them.

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