Chapter 7:

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Krystal's Pov:

The next morning the makeup artist and hair stylists helped me and Yuri after the boys since we woke up after they finished getting ready. I wore a white embroidered dress, and my heels were white, my lilac hair was curled and my make up was natural. I headed towards the boys with Yuri and they didn't notice we were coming as they had their back towards us. We took this as an opportunity to jump on them. I jumped on Hyunjin while Yuri jumped on Chan.

The boys turned around and saw us all dressed up. "Well you girls look nice." Han said. "So do you guys,"Yuri said. I looked over at Hyunjin and gave him a smile then back at Yuri. "Seungmin~ You ready for our date?"I tried not to laugh. "Yes." He said confidently. "Seungmin is the baby of this group." Hyunjin said. "So is Krystal, I mean in our group of friends she's the baby because she's the youngest and kind of acts like one." Yuri said.

I tapped her on the arm," Stop exposing me!" I laughed. I looked at Seungmin,"I'm hungry. Let's get some food." I said. He nodded and we left the group after taking a camera. Once we got near a restaurant we started filming,"So today for our Tv series we've all been assigned to go on dates. I'm going on a date with Krystal right now." He said. I looked towards the camera,"Hello."

"So what we're going to be doing is going to the restaurant, go shopping then head to the beach." He said. I nodded along," Earlier Hyunjin called Seungmin a baby and so Yuri decided to go into full detail about how I'm one too."I cried. "Yeah, I don't know why. I'm pretty sexy." I laughed at that sentence then looked at him,"No." I laughed. He looked at me shocked and started walking faster. "Hey!"

After we ate at the restaurant we went to go look at some shops we didn't really buy anything just looked around. It was 17:02pm and we decided it was time to go to the beach. I took off my heels and started walking along the beach with Seungmin and he started recording again. "So we're at our final location at the beach and it's nice and quiet." He said. "Yes, it's also cold on my feet." We both looked at my feet in the cold sand and he started laughing. "Why did you take your heels off?" He laughed. "You can't walk in heels when you're on a beach, that's one of the rules when wearing heels." I said shocked. "I'm sure some of your Stay's will agree."I said.

He stopped recording and put the camera down. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Sure, What is it?" I asked. "You're not really a trainee are you." He said. "What are you talking about? Of course I am." I lied. "Then why is it when I type in Beauty In Grace, four girls come up and two look just like you and Yuri." I gave him a serious look. How can I get out of this? Even If I lie he won't believe me. "Alright I'll tell you the truth. Me and Yuri are a part of this group, yes. We were actually supposed to observe and take some advice from your group to help us be better at being Idols as our other two members are already far ahead of us. Not a lot of people know us either so my manager thought it would be a perfect idea if me and Yuri stay with you guys as you have a Tv series thing." I said.

"So what about you and Felix? Yuri and Chan?" He asked. "Oh that..That was a lie. Those two know us by our group so we couldn't exactly lie to them saying we were not."I said. "So you thought the other members wouldn't know." He said. "Well so far I guess they don't but how did you find out?"I asked. "Oh that I guessed." I just looked at him. "I mean if you had said no I would've believed you." He laughed. "I can't believe I got tricked by a child." He gave me an offended look," You're younger than me!?" He exclaimed. "Yeah well, Seungmin keep this a secret will you. We still have another month and a half left with you guys. We don't want the truth to be out so early into the game."I laughed. He nodded.

After a while we finally came back to the hotel. The manager told us to give him the footage and to pack our stuff as we leave tomorrow. I packed my stuff and laid on my bed and Yuri, Felix and Chan came in. "Krystal what's the matter?" Yuri asked. "Seungmin knows." I said. "How?" Chan asked. "He took a guess and I spilled." I said. "Ah so what do we do now?" Felix asked. "Well he said he'll keep it a secret so we just have to trust him." I said. They nodded.

It was finally time to sleep. I was so exhausted. "Krystal!"

"NO!!!!" I moaned. I don't care who it was. I am falling asleep today. "Krystal~" They said. "Don't ever call my name like that again." I turn around to face Hyunjin. "Oh.."I yawned. He took a seat next to me," What's up Hyunjin?"
"Can I get your number?" He asked. "My number? Yeah sure. Just grab my phone then do the password." I said. He grabbed my phone and turned it on," What's your password?"
"It's XXXXXX." I said. He typed in my password and I think he got in as he didn't ask me again. He handed me his phone and I saw that he put his name under Hyunjin Babe~," I'm changing that later." He just laughed. "Well is there anything else?" I asked. "Yeah actually um if you don't mind uhh could you be my partner in the next interview?"He asked shyly. "Sure." He finally left the room and I could finally sleep.

The next morning I found a huge shirt that I recognized as Chan's. Instead of giving it back to him like a normal person I wore it was leggings. I put my hair up in a messy bun and found the others with all their stuff ready. There was a minibus and a car. LeeKnow looked at me and pointed to the shirt I was wearing. The others turned around to ask us our opinion but stopped. ChangBin came over to me and looked at the shirt closer,"Isn't that Chan's shirt?"

Chan put his arm around me,"Yeah that is mine. Why are you wearing it?"
"I couldn't be asked to wear one of my own shirts and I saw yours so I just wore it." I said. The others kept teasing me but I really didn't care. "Are you that tired that you can't fight back?" Yuri asked. "Yes, someone came in and was like give me your number."I said. I got onto the bus and sat near the window. Hyunjin sat next to me and I really don't care anymore. I moved my head on his shoulder and started falling asleep.

We finally finished traveling and got off the mini bus. We were in front of this tiny house. "You guys will be here for a week so get comfortable. You guys can pick the rooms you stay in." Their manager said. We nodded. Me and Yuri went in and it's like an actual house. It had four rooms and two beds in each. Me and Yuri had a room together while the other boys shared. We headed to the living room and saw the boys talking. "Oh hey girls." Han said. "Hello."We both said.

"What are you girls doing?" Han asked. "Trying to get a boyfriend."I joked. It was awkward silence. I turned to face the boys and there was a camera recording. "I was joking." I said. They started smiling and laughing. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a drink then sat next to Chan and ChangBin. I turned to face ChangBin," Why don't you dye your hair?" I asked. "I don't know. I kinda like my hair like this." He said. I nodded and turned back to drink my drink but it was gone from the table. I looked around and Hyunjin had my glass...and was drinking it!? "Hey!" He looked at me," I was thirsty." He whined. "Then get your own!" I whined back.

He made a funny face and handed me back my drink. I looked towards the camera again and it was recording. "Are you guys doing something?" I asked. "Yeah, we're recording what we do in our spare time. Just like how you and Hyunjin fought just now." Chan smiled. I nodded,"Oh Chan I need to talk to you."
"What about?" He asked. I leaned towards his ear,"Music." I said. We both got up and headed to another room.

Yuri's Pov:

Krystal and Chan headed to another room leaving me with the others. "Hey Yuri, Are Chan and Krystal a thing?"LeeKnow asked. "I don't think so. I think Krystal needed to talk to him in private about something personal." I said. "Oh.."They all said. "Well does Krystal like anyone?" Hyunjin asked. "...You guys do realise the camera's still recording right." I said. They quickly turned off the camera and turned to faceme,"Well does she?" Han asked. "Probably not. She doesn't really develop feelings for anyone romantically." I said. They nodded. I don't know why but everytime they bring up Krystal and Chan I get kind of jealous. It's probably nothing.

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