Chapter 9

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Blessed is the one that developed all the gifts of the spirit because it shows that is productive.

1 talent was given to you and you saved it because of fear. Fear has a leach on your neck manipulating your actions and your thoughts.

Break loose from that jail that is stopping your best productivity in the kingdom of god. 

1 talent was given to you and you save it because you fear to be real, fear is destroying you little by little with time. YHWH will take the talent away and give it to the violent server. 

Speaking in the spirit develops the perfect communication with the eternal

Speaking in the spirit builds you up and charges your spirit like a battery of electricity ready to make a motor explote

Paul spoke in the spirit more than any saint that has ever existed. He knew war and had the tool.

Don’t fall into the ignorance of ignoring a gift only because another one is more important.

Yes, prophesying is more important than speaking in the spirit, but how are you going to stand in front of Satan without your weapon? Without charging your anointing. 

You were anointed for war. Charging you weapon is the living bread that maintains the flow of the rivers of god.

No. don’t fall into the ignorance of the organized religion that repeats everything that hears and doesn’t read the scriptures.

Repeating the good and the bad is equal when ignorance is present. Be wise like Solomon and seek the way, the truth and the life.

Speak and speak again and don’t stop. When you stop, make sure your prophecies come from the starting point of identity. 

Who you are carries the power of the Resurrection of the christ. 

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