The Movies

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Dream/clay POV:

i sat seeing the typing bubble keep coming up and going away. i realised that he didn't want to come so i typed out 'its fine if you don't want to' but just as i was about to hit send a reply came through.

georgie 💙- yeah i would love to go to the movies, do u wanna come round to mine first?

i wanted to go but i wasn't sure if he was just saying that to be nice. i responded with a quick message.

clay 💚🥺- sure, be there in 5

George had told him his address the other day and they only lived a 5 minute walk away from each other so there was no need to drive. 

i went to my wardrobe to get changed. i didn't know what to wear so decided on a white t-shirt with dark grey sleeves, and a pair of black jeans, i quickly threw a lime green hoodie on over the top. i quickly grabbed my wallet and headed out of the door. All i could think about was George on my walk to his house, but deep down i felt like i had forget something. I couldn't think of what it was.


i got near the house that was supposedly Georges and rang the door bell. i heard a small scream and then "mum! let them in, it's my friend."  the door clicked open and a lady was stood in the doorway. "hello, um I'm here to see George." I said blankly. she nodded and let me in closing the door behind me. "hi, I'm George's mum. he'll be down in a second i think he's just having a shower." she aid friendly. she led me over to their living room and we both sat on opposite ends of a large sofa. he had a small conversation and soon there were footsteps running down the stairs. "hi clay!" a voice said in a cheery tone. i looked up to see george with wet hair in his face. he was wearing jeans and a pale blue hoodie. i smiled at him before saying "hey." 

"i looked at what movies are on today and there re running old movies, do you want to watch harry potter or something?" George said. "harry potter is perfect, George." i said with a smile. i seemed to smile a lot around George didn't i. "well it doesn't start until 4 so we still have a couple hours before we have to leave so do you want to come to my room?" george asked, not breaking eye contact with me. my heart flutters at how cute he is standing there. "sure." is all i manage to get out before my arm was being grabbed and i was dragged upstairs into his room. 

the room had 3 white walls and one blue wall, there was a double bed pressed against the wall. he had a desk with a gaming set up opposite the bed. i didn't know he played games too. the room was simple but it looked nice. he sat down on his bed cross legged. he patted the bed in front of him signalling for me to sit there. i sat there and we began talking.

His laugh was so cute. i had just told him a stupid joke and he couldn't stop laughing. his laugh made me laugh. he heard my laugh which sounded similar to a teakettle and he started laughing more and eventually we were both clutching our stomachs, rolling around trying our hardest to breath.  i loved this feeling so much, i wish it could last forever. as if hearing my thoughts George's mum called from downstairs "boys! if you want to get to the movie on time you should leave now." 

George and me got up and walked to the door. we got into his car and he drove us to the cinema. he arrived about 10 minute. we entered the building that was lit up a dark shade of purple. a cool breeze hit my face, i noticed george shiver and thought i would be a good friend "are you cold?" i looked him in the eyes waiting for a reply. his soft chocolate brown eyes that he could stare at all day. "um- a little bit." he replied. i hesitated for a seconds before saying the next thing, "you can wear my hoodie if you want?" i looked at george hopefully. "i- ok, sure." he smiled at me. 

I took my hoodie off and handed it to the small boy in front of me. he took it from me and slipped it over his head. he looked so cute in it. it was way too big for him and you couldn't see his hands. his face turned red and he tried to hide behind the sleeves on the hoodie. and then i realised something. i like george as more than a friend.

wc: 827

a/n: the chapters are getting longer and longer but i'm just trying to start off the story but hopefully soon i can do about 2000 words per chapter. i hope your enjoying it and thank you so much for 30 reads! its insane.

have a great day/night and drink some water - lola<3

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