[At least I can get to know you now!]

[What's there to know?] I ask.

His jaw drops and the ends of his mouth begin to curl up into a smile.

[What's there not to ask? Why are you deaf? What school did you come from? What's it like being Sasuke in a hearing-based world? Your favorite color? Do you play on Xbox? What-]

He lost me once he asked me if I play on Xbox. I know he talks a lot but now it's possible for him to sign a lot. And he said he's rusty...

He waves his hand in front of my face.

[Are you paying attention?]

[No.] I replied quickly, making his mouth twitch slightly.

[How are you not as excited as I am right now!?]

[I am. But you play on Xbox, you're dead to me.] I sign and lay my forehead on the desk. How long are we stuck here? Didn't Naruto say he'd just leave?

"Ugh, whatever." He scoffs. "Like I could afford a whole Xbox." I hear him shift around, maybe he's laying down like me?

"Hey Sasuke." He calls out, and I shift my head onto my arm and look at him. And he has the biggest smile on his face.

[What?] I spell out with my free hand.

"You're not deaf." He says triumphantly.

How'd he figure that...Wait...FUCK!

"You heard me and turned to me. Why'd you lie to me! It's easier to understand signs then sign them for me."

I roll my eyes and sit up.

[Sorry for the inconvenience of you being able to talk and not have to sign everything you wish you could simply say.]

You think I want to sign?

I watch his smile fade into an awkward frown and he avoids my gaze.

I let out a long sigh. I shouldn't have said that. I don't know why I did.

I try to form the word 'hey' but my mouth doesn't even know-how. Fuck this, that's why I got mad because he has it easy yet he complains! I don't even have the ability to form a word let alone say it!

Still, it was out of place of me to say something so mean.

"I." He starts and stops himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive. Would you prefer for me to sign to you or talk?"

[Talk] I sign. I won't apologize though, I think I'm in the right, even though I could've been nicer about it.

"O-oh okay, that's cool." He says looking around the room.

We fall into an awkward silence and I go onto some apps on my phone while I wait.

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto says his voice cracking.

I chuckle and Naruto clears his throat.

"Sor-ry." His voice cracks even harder and I end up laughing.

[Holy shit if you're going to talk like that you might as well sign too.] I sign with a smile.

Naruto flares his nose and his face starts to become red.

"Hey I'm still growing okay? That's to be expected!" He defends.

I roll my eyes. [Whatever you say.]

"B-but I was asking. Would you like, um, pull your hair back? Or something" He asks, diverting my eyes again.

Silently, Mute. [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now