Part 9: Same Feeling, Different Person

Start from the beginning

5 minutes after leaving her home, Keira's phone rang.

"Hey, Kei! Where are you now?" A sharp voice from the other line asked.

"I just left the house, sorry Mia. I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Oh, okay. We're here at the school entrance. You're the only one missing haha!"

"Okay, I'll be fast see you!"

The phone call got cut off and Keira presses on the accelaration to speed up a little.

In no time she arrives at the school gate. Her friends one by one entered the car and they went off to K City.

It wasn't a very long ride as it took roughly only 30 minutes to get to the bar Migs' family owns.

The girls giggly left the car as Keira looked for a place to park the car. Once parked, she took a deep breath.

"Alright, Keira. Enjoy the night!"
She whispered as she left the car and walked towards the entrance.

As she entered, the loud noise of music welcomed her. The dim place and the moving lights blinded her eyes once in a while, making it hard for her to find the room where her classmates were.

She was a little anxious as there were people looking at her as she walked. The only thing she had in mind right now was to find the room she is supposed to find.

"Just why the hell did I have to be here?"
She asked herself. It isn't as if she really wanted to be here in the first place. Merely staying in this place for the past 5 minutes is already exhausting.

As she was finding her way, a hand suddenly grabbed her to the side. She alerted herself and saw a man, wearing a white and blue long sleeved polo holding her firmly.

"The waiter almost spilled the drinks on you."  Keira looks up and sees Gian smiling at her.

"Oh, I didn't notice.. thank you."

"This way." He added as he lead the way to the room where the rest of the class were. 

Without realizing that her heart was actually beating fast, as if she had a long run, she bit her lips as she shyly followed the man who was holding her arm.

Her eyes kept going back and forth the man's hand, holding her, and the back of his head as if memorizing his very image.
Unknowingly, the edge of her lips lifts.

It was as if time has slowed down, she did not even realize that they were already at the door.

"You go ahead. I'm going to wait for the others downstairs."

Keira, who was still living in her daydream suddenly woke up and nodded her head as if she really understood what the guy just told her.

She rushed inside the room and there she sees her friends sitting, chatting each other.

"Kei!! Finally!! I was calling you!"
Said Gabby worriedly.

"Uh.. you were calling?"  Asked Keira, as she pulled out her phone from her purse.

"Oh, sorry I didnt hear it ring. I was already downstairs and the music was too loud." She said, smiling awkwardly.

"I thought you got lost, I was supposed to go down and look for you." Gabby added.

"Sorry about that."  Keira said, as she sat down beside Gabby.

Mia grabs a bottle and gives it to Keira.

"Here, Kei. I ordered you a non alcoholic drink, coz I know you are driving back home."

"Thanks! How sweet of you."  Keira replied as she grabbed the bottle. She takes a sip and looks at the first floor through the glass wall, as if looking and waiting for someone.

"You waiting for someone?"  Asked Diane.

"Uh, no, no." Keira said as she lifted her bottle to initiate a toast.

She took a sip and looks back. Unknowingly, she was waiting for that same guy who held her hand just a few minutes ago. Her eyes, roaming around, looking for that familiar silhouette in the crowd.

Few minutes of looking, the door opened and she turned her head, she finds a differrent man entered the room.

She sighed with disappointment but her eyes won't look away. It was Patrick with Kath, the same girl he introduced a few months ago.

Patrick sees Keira's gaze and looks back at her and smiled.
Surprised, Keira immediately looked away and turned back to her friends.

Her heart was stomping again.

"But why? Why am I feeling nervous?"
She asks herself. It was just a gaze and a smile from the person she doesn't really like, but why does his eyes make her shiver? Why does his smile make her throat dry?

Keira tried to shake off these thoughts from her head. She didn't want to feel this way towards that guy. Not now, not ever.

"I just want this night to be over."

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