ten. treat people with kindness

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Annie. How are you?" Alex greeted her. "This is Dr.Bailey, and these are my fellow interns."

Bailey sighed, "Dr.Karev, we refer to patients as 'Mister'-"

"I told him to call me Annie," Annie interupts her. "Miss.Connors makes me feel old and fat, which I am, but why feel that way?"

"Good morning."

Burke walks in and if Mackenzie wasn't looking at Cristina so she wouldn't have to stare at the tumor the whole time, she would've missed the discreet look Burke and Cristina gave each other. Mackenzie pursed her lips and tried not to laugh. It was Meredith and Derek all over again. Was someone going to get with Webber next?

"Oh, Annie, this is Dr.Burke - awesome surgeon," Alex tells her. Bailey lets him cite the patient information. "Annie Connors is a forty three year old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath for the past three months. Found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. Stable vital signs. Scheduled for CT this morning, sir."

"Thank you Dr.Karev," says Burke. He turns towards Annie. "Are you at all claustrophobic?"

"I've been housebound for the last year. How claustrophobic could I be?" she jokes.

Mackenzie noticed the way Annie felt comfortable with Alex's generosity around her. He was never the one to get super close with patients, but somehow Annie was different for him. Annie had every right to feel safe in his care. Mackenzie remembered all the times she'd get drunk with her friends and Alex had to take her home. He made sure her makeup was washed off as well as getting into pajamas. She'd wake up to breakfast already cooked and Advil with a glass of water at her bedside.

Alex, when he was truly himself, was possibly the most perfect human being she's ever met. However, the way he left her tainted that part of him and she wished every day that she could just suppress the memory and move on.

"Dr.Sloan," Burke called out, making Mackenzie pay attention again. "Would you take Miss.Connor's up for a CT?"

Mackenzie nodded, but Annie interjected. "Would it be possible for Alex to take me instead? I Mean, he-he's just so fun to look at."

I second that, thought Mackenzie.

Alex chuckles, a faint blush on his face. "Annie."

Burke nods. "Sure, Miss.Connor's. Excuse me."

"Hey Annie," says Alex and glances over at Mackenzie. "Dr.Sloan here is like my wing-girl. I think she should still come along with us."

Annie looks at Mackenzie and she swears she can see some type of jealousy flash through the forty three year old woman's eyes.

"That's fine," Annie simply replies.

Bailey and the other interns leave. Mackenzie ignores Annie's glare as her and Alex roll her down to CT. Once inside, Mackenzie sits behind the glass as Alex talked to Annie. Her heart warms again at the site of him comforting her.

Annie is put into the CT and Alex comes back in, slightly hitting his pager. "Kenzie, you got an extra battery?"

Mackenzie rolls her eyes. "How about you remember to fix your pager?"

Alex fights back a smile as he takes a seat next to her. The radiologist monitoring the scan gasps next to them. "Unbelievable. I've never seen anything like this."

"Yeah, what I don't understand is how a person lets it get like that," comments Alex. "I mean, man, that is a whole lot of nasty."

"Alex!" Mackenzie scolds him. "It's a tumor and she was probably freaked out about it. God, poor thing."

"Poor thing?" Alex scoffs. "Please. If you're afraid of doctors, you take a pill. She's just sick, like warped, you know? Seriously, I don't know how she lives with herself."

Mackenzie's ideal image of Alex slowly seeps out of her mind as she whacks him in the back of the head.


"Be nice for once," she tells him.

Alex rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

Mackenzie's pager beeps and she looks down, seeing a 911 from Derek. "I gotta go."

Mackenzie rushes up to the fourth floor and as she's look for Derek, gets pulled into a supplies closet. She's pushes the hands off of her, but realizes it's Derek once he turns on the light.

"Really a supply closet?" Mackenzie asks. "Someone's going to think you're sleeping with me now."

Derek shakes his head. "Never say that again because you're practically my little sister."

Mackenzie smiles at his comment.

"Look, I know this isn't some major surgery I paged you for," continued Derek. "I - I um, need relationship advice."

Mackenzie burst out into laughter and Derek shushed her. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. I thought you two were doing fine?"

"Bailey caught us at the party."

"Oh. Yeah, that's a problem."

Derek sighs. "I - I just don't know what to do because Bailey can be very manipulative and even though she's short she sometimes scares me. And oh, Meredith is difficult! I can never understand what she wants."

Mackenzie clapped her hands in front of his face so he would stop. "You need to calm down. You're sounding like me when I rant about Alex and that's worrisome."

Derek rolled his eyes. "Ha ha."

"Listen, I'm a sucker for romance and if you really like Meredith, then who cares what anyone else thinks," she tells him. "I swear there's like this connection between you two that I never saw with Addi-well, you know. Don't let her get away."

Derek slowly nods. "And if I do that and get fired it's going to be your fault."

"Very mature of you," mumbled Mackenzie.

"Thank you for your help," Derek tells her as he head for the door. "And...if you ever need anything, I'm here for you, okay?"

Mackenzie smiled. "Okay."

And just like that, she felt like she had a real brother again.

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