Jungkook stood up slamming his fist hard on the table in result everything fell from the table. By this action of Jungkook, Mina flinched but by this she didn't let distract herself from the topic she was in.

"What is the reason Jungkook?" Mina asked in a stubborn manner "I can date any girl but not you!!"said Jungkook " But why? I can give you everything you want. The love, the warmth and I have double the riches as any girl in this state. Everyone wants me but why don't you??said Mina angrily and she alse slammed her fist onto the table, looking at Jungkook waiting for his answer to come.
Jungkook answered her with a psychic smile " that's why I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you. Everyone wants you, but not a single from that 'everyone' loves you I think so...and 'love is an emotion, a feeling that a person can feel or build for someone, it's not a thing in a mall or supermarket or store that every road side walking person can buy it' you better understand... Now get lost" "You'll regret and whosoever you'll love will have to pay the price. Mark my words Mr Jeon Jungkook" said Mina and exited the room.

After Mina left him in peace, he took a long deep tired sigh and tried to kick out all the conversation from his brain that took place between him and Mina. After clearing his mind and lightning up his mood he called Jin for planning a "surprise birthday party" for Namjoon as it was only 2 to 3 days far, and as Jin & Y/N run an event management company he decided to call them.

Jin : hello...
Jungkook : hello hyung it's me Jungkook..
Jin : oh..... Jungkook what happened..?
Jungkook : nothing much hyung....just wanna ask you that both of you reached home safely or not.... And I want to talk to the CEO and the MANAGER of the 'WINGS COMPANY'
Jin : ok so......hello and thank you for calling in Wings Company. This is Kim Seok-jin..so how can I help you Mr Jeon.
Jungkook : so Mr Kim..I'm planning a surprise birthday party for my brother and I want your company to take up this work...
Jin : ok no worries Mr Jeon my company will take this opportunity and we'll not disappoint you... May you please send us the venue where we have to start our work....
Jungkook : so note it down 'our farm house'
Jin : ok so we'll meet tomorrow at your farm house at 9:00 will it be ok with you
Jungkook : yeah!! Of course that would be great.. thank you for helping..
Jin : it's my job dongsaeng, and I thank you for keeping me at the first place...
Jungkook : come on hyung it's not a big deal...
Jin : yeah then meet you tomorrow...bye~~
Jungkook:  yeah hyung...bye~~

After talking to Jungkook, Jin told everything about his conversation with Jungkook, and Y/N was very much happy to hear about starting their work again, but unfortunately....she will not be able to do the decoration because Namjoon has instructed her to take 2 days sufficient bed rest....but then also she insisted her brother if she can go. But Jin strictly forbidded her, but then she said " ok oppa if I can't go may I please plan the event I mean the decoration hmm..." Jin said yes and then Y/N  ran to her room like a  child. Within 3 to 4 hours she completed the designs and gave that to Jin like a 'small child who has drawn a family picture for the first time and showing that picture to his / her parents' after giving that designs she went back to her room and both of them in their rooms slept the night away.


Jin after completing his breakfast made one for Y/N and left it on the dining table with a note saying that

Dear Y/N

             Eat your breakfast fully not a single piece of food should be found in the dustbin and eat your medicines too Bye
Your brother

After sometime Y/N woke up and went downstairs to find that there was no sign of Jin. Then she made her way to the dining table and found a note beside the breakfast. After reading the message she said " oh...oppa why do you care about me about me so much I'm not worthy of being cared by such a precious person like you...."*sighs*then she had her breakfast....

After a good 1 hour drive he arrived at the venue given to him by Jungkook. When he entered the house he found a sleeping Jungkook on the couch. He slightly shook Jungkook to wake him up from his slumber, which in result made him jump like a scarred bunny..." Oh hyung you came.."said Jungkook " Ne~~ Jungkook I'm here...."said Jin " so hyung let's get started.... but where's
Y/N"said Jungkook "she didn't come because... Namjoon has told her to take sufficient bed rest so... that's why.." said Jin " oh ok....so hyung let's start hm.."asked Jungkook " ok then.....first let's go to the market to buy the thing required then we can proceed..." Said Jin. Then with the help of some of the employees from Jin's company the completed the decorations before Namjoon's birthday.

On the day of Namjoon's birthday....

Jungkook, Jin and Y/N surprised Namjoon by giving him a party. And he thanked the 3 of them for this wonderful celebration.
Everyone was enjoying the party except for the 3 people that are Jungkook, Y/N and Mina. Jungkook's mood was off because of Mina and her's was off because of her own stubbornness. And on the other hand Y/N was trying to drink off all her pain, but resulted in getting fully drunk. After some times she felt like she was going to throw up so she anyhow made her way upstairs and went inside a room, and without seeing anything she directly ran towards the bathroom. After throwing up she cleaned herself went out of the bathroom. She was looking ill, and she sat down on the floor, when someone asked her " are you ok Y/N??" She tiredly looked up and saw a blur Jungkook. He held her up and made her stand. The room was fully dark it was lit up by the moonlight which was entering through the windows. In that moonlight Jungkook's face was looking more beautiful than ever, Y/N was trying to take in all the words that he was saying, but her ears were not in the mood of taking in anything. The sight infront of her was so mesmerizing that she was not able to take off her eyes from his face. Her eyes were fixed on his lips, which for her looked kissable. After so much of staring she couldn't control her heart and kissed him, Jungkook was shocked by the action of Y/N, but when her lips met his a sudden spark was felt in his heart, he couldn't resist but he didn't take a chance and carefully parted himself from her and by the time Y/N was unconscious. He lifted the drunk, unconscious Y/N in his strong arms and made her lay down in his bed and put on the blanket around her and he left the room with his furiously beating heart.

When he came downstairs, he found that everyone was gone except for his two hyungs who were having a little chit chat. He asked Namjoon if he could sleep with him as Y/N was sleeping in his room. Namjoon agreed as the loving brother he is to both of them. He gave Jin some   PJs to change into and all of them went to sleep while Jin slept beside Y/N as he thought she might get another nightmare.

Its already half past midnight. All of them are in deep slumber except for this beautiful boy who was frequently changing his positions as he couldn't sleep but no avail as his mind was still wandering around Y/N "How can someone be so beautiful...I have loved before but it didn't feel like this. I have kissed before, but it didn't burn me alive. Maybe it's last a minute or maybe an hour. All I know is that kiss , and how soft her skin is when it brushes against mine, and that even if I did not know it until now, I have been waiting for this person........"he thought to himself and subconsciously drifted off to sleep unaware of the fact that this was the silence before the thunderstorm.........

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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