Doug Shot Tom in the Ass

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Suddenly, Doug jumped and zoomed out of the chapel. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed his fidgety behavior, but when I thought about it I realized that Doug is always sort of restless. Then Doug came back and he was suddenly following behind Tom, guiding him to his desk.

"Hey look, I made everything perfect for you. First day back," Doug said as he slowly walked with Tom to his desk. It was completely free from clutter, it had a little bouquet of daisies in an empty Pepsi soda can, a stapler, a desk lamp, and a wad of paper and pencils.

Tom was wearing loose brown sweatpants with patterned suspenders over a gray crew neck sweater. He wore a white shirt under the sweater that was stuck out at the neck and the bottom. A pillow was shoved into his pants to make sitting easier, and he walked like he soiled himself.

"Watch, watch, watch," Doug repeated as Tom slowly and stiffly shuffled to his desk.

"Watch, watch, watch," Doug repeated as Tom slowly and stiffly shuffled to his desk

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"Looks great, thank you," Tom said. His maroon baseball cap shadowed over his face.

"Daisies." Doug showed him the flowers that he potted in the soda can.

"Nice." Tom grabbed the can and moved it away from the edge.

"You want anything to eat?" Doug asked, "I'll go to falafel place, or Diggity Dog. You want Diggity Dog?"

"No, you know what, I'm still full from the chili you made last night. Thank you." Tom patted Doug's arm.

I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to when they're speaking so loud and so close to me. Why was Doug trying to be Tom's bitch? He wasn't this attentive to me when I got shot twice. I'm not jealous, but I'm just confused.


"Nothing, thank you."

"I'll take a tea," I said and raised my hand. "If you're offering."

Doug turned to me and asked sassily, "is your name Tom?"

I shook my head and glumly put my hand down.

"Then I wasn't talking to you—" he turned back to Tom, "—the chili didn't keep you up last night, did it?"

"Doug." Tom turned to face him. "It was good, I'm fine. Why don't you get back to work, okay? I'm just gonna settle in here, nice and slow."

"Okay," Doug said.


"Okay," Doug said and turned to walk away.

"All right." Tom started to ease into his chair.

Doug immediately turned back to Tom and said, "I'm really sorry about what happened. I mean, I mean, I cannot believe that I blew a hole in your ass."

My jaw dropped. It made so much sense now. "You shot the bullet into his ass?"

"On accident!" Doug defended.

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