New job for Verge ir simthing idk man

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Virgil woke up the next morning feeling small still. He whined, his stomach grumbling harshly. His stomach hadn't settled from the tacos from just last night. Virgil whined again, curling in on him self, clutching his stomach. A knock came from just outside his room and he whined. Logan came in.

"What's wrong Raven?" Logan asked gently, giving Virgil his pacifier. Virgil whined, pushing the pacifier away. Logan looked at him with confusion. "How old are you bud?" Logan asked, crouching by the bed. Virgil held up three fingers, which was normal for him.

"M tummy hurt" Virgil whined. Logan nodded.

"Let's get you something to eat and see if that helps alright?" Logan said, picking Virgil up. Virgil nodded softly, biting his thumb. Logan smiled softly, giving him his pacifier again. He took it this time, sucking on it softly. Logan set him in the counter, grabbing a bowl and the grapes from the fridge. He put some in a bowl, washing them off. Virgil made grabby hands towards the grapes with a whine. Logan chuckled, giving the bowl to the younger. "Do you want to hold it by yourself?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded.

"M big kid!" He said with a giggle before his stomach gurgled again, he whined in pain, and Logan pointed at the grapes. Virgil nodded, eating one of the grapes. Logan smiled, ruffling Virgil's hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. Virgil tilted his head. "Juicey?" He questioned. Logan laughed, shaking his head.

"No, this is an adult drink, it might make you sick" Logan explained. Virgil ate another grape, humming.

"Wel' an' we fin' out den?" He asked, reaching for the cup a little. Logan sighed softly with a smile to show he wasn't upset, shaking his head.

"No, maybe one day when your stomach isn't hurting already" Logan said softly, finishing his coffee and putting the cup in the sink. Virgil pouted.

"P'ease?" Logan shook his head firmly.

"No is no Virgil" Logan said, taking the now empty bowl away from the boy. Virgil whined in pain as his stomach grumbled harshly once more. Logan sighed, putting Virgil back in bed. "I'll go get a heating pad and some water, are you still hungry Raven?" Virgil shook his head, curling up, holding onto Birdie tightly.

"M sorry for no istening" Virgil mumbled.

"It's alright Raven" Logan said softly, leaving the room to grab the heating pad and Virgil's sippy cup filled with water. Virgil whined loudly again as his stomach grumbled harshly. Bile started to rise in Virgil's throat, and he spit his pacifier out and slowly waddled to the bathroom. Logan was in the hall. "Where you going Raven?" He asked in confusion, setting the items he held down.

"Icky" Virgil mumbled, sitting by the toilet. Logan nodded, going and grabbing the water and heating pad, however, he put the heating pad to the side, giving Virgil his water. Virgil took it with shakey hands, leaning into Logan with a soft sniffle. "Icky Wo, Ickys"

"I know Raven, sip on the water a little ok? It might make the ickys go away" Virgil nodded before sitting up quickly and throwing up with a cough. Virgil rested his head on the toilet seat crying softly. Logan sighed softly, flushing the toilet and grabbing one of the disposable cups they had in the bathroom for Virgil to swish in his mouth. "Swish the water then spit it out okay?" Virgil nodded, hiccuping slightly. He swished the cold water around in his mouth before spitting it into the toilet.

"Icky" Virgil cried, grabbing onto Logan's shirt and hiding in it.

"I thought you weren't allergic to anything Raven" Virgil whined, feeling to little and sick to answer. Logan nodded in realization. "Do you wanna go lay down?" Virgil nodded, grabbing his sippy cup to help Logan out. Logan smiled softly, picking Virgil up and grabbing the heating pad. Logan quickly walked to Virgil's room and laid the boy down. "Just take a nap okay? Does your stomach still hurt?" Virgil whined, reaching for Logan. "I need to know if your tummy still hurts Raven" Logan pushed. Virgil shook his head, reaching for Logan again. "Use your words hun"

"Uddle?" Virgil whimpered. Logan nodded softly.

"Okay, we can cuddle, I just have to set an alarm in case okay?" Virgil nodded, suddenly frantic as he looked for Birde. "Hey what's wrong?" Logan asked as Virgil looked around his bed frantically.

"Birdie?" Virgil asked, whining as he couldn't find him. Logan narrowed his eyes, looking around for the plush, his eyes caught on the white wing.

"Ah, he was just hiding Virgil, it's alright" Logan said giving Virgil the plushie. Virgil nodded, laying back down with his back pressed against the wall. Logan smiled softly. "Do you still want cuddles?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded softly, cuddling into Logan once the man laid down.

"Tank ou Wo" Logan smiled softly.

It's okay Raven (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now