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Virgil curled into his blanket, just having been put down for a nap. He yawned slightly, blinking slowly. He wondered why his Papa was upset. He almost wanted to break the rules to go find him. The rule was to stay in bed and at least try and sleep for ten minutes, and if Patton came in and he wasn't asleep, then Virgil was aloud to go sit in the living room with a book that someone helped him read, or he was left to play while Patton cleaned a little bit.

"Remus no!" Janus yelled.

"Remus yes!" Remus yelled back, it was slightly childish. Virgil rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up. He abandoned his blankets, getting up to see what was happening. He grabbed his pacifier, slipping it into his mouth before slowly pushing the door open. He hit the floor with an small cry, looking up to see the other man from earlier. Virgil sniffled, waving slightly. The other grinned.

"Hai?" Virgil questioned.

"Come on! We hiden' from daddy!" Remys said with a child like giggle. He pulled Virgil to his feet, finding a large closet from the two to hide in.

"Why we hiden'?" Virgil asked, hugging his bat as he didn't particularly like the dark.

"I don know!" Remus giggled. Virgil tilted his head.

"Won't we gets in trouble?" Virgil asked, slightly panicked at the thought. Remus shrugged.

"Probably" He said laughing slightly.

"I- I don't wanna get in troubles doh!" Virgil cried. Remus paused.

"Okays, we can go find them instead!" Remys giggled, pulling the panicked one from the closet they had been hiding in. Virgil held his bat closer as he followed the other. Virgil peeked around the corner to watch as Janus and Patton were frantically looking around the house. Virgil looked to Remus, hoping the other would say something. The other instead, simply giggled quietly, quickly going up behind Janus to scare him. "Boo!" Remus giggled. Janus looked back, sighing in relief.

"Oh my god Remus, don't do that! Please say you didn't wake Virgil up" Janus frowned, rubbing his eyes.

"I did! See!" Remus pointed time Virgil who still was hiding in the hall. Remus giggled. Patton sighed softly.

"Remus, what did we tell you?" Patton asked sternly. Virgil flinched away, staying in the hall, tempted to go back to his room. He started going back. "Virgil, id stay right there if I were you" Virgil flinched, tears building in his eyes. He nodded softly, looking at the floor.

"Not to wake Virgie up, and to stay with Janny" Remus mumbled.

"What did you do?"


"No!" Virgil said quickly, standing next to Remus. "I 'idnt g-go ta b- be- seep!" He said quickly, chocking on his tears and hiding his face in Remus' chest. Remus' eyes widened, before holding Virgil tightly to comfort him. Patton sighed.

"Remus, time-out for two minutes for running off and not listening to us." Patton said sternly. "Virgil, time-out for two minutes for running off with Remus" Virgil clutched onto Remus tightly, shaking with unheard sobs.

"Patton-" Janus started. He was cut off with a glare.

"That's not fair for Virgie! I- I drag him wit' me! He didn't wanna go wit'" Remus shouted. Virgil flinched, staying quiet.

"Yes, but he didn't come and get us did he?" Patton said with a glare to Remus. Remus shook his head sadly.

"M' sorry Virgie" Remus whispered. Virgil shook again, fearing the man he knew was behind him. Janus just stood there glaring at Patton, he was surprised at the mans decision. Janus knew that Virgil shouldn't have been punished, Virgil had probably just gotten up to see what was happening and Remus dragged him off to hide or whatever. Virgil slowly detached from Remus, tears flowing down his face freely now. He looked at his bat, giving it to Janus before taking his pacifier out and sitting by the island in the kitchen, just where he had been when Logan had given him a time out. Remus went and sat in a corner in the living room. He held a stuffed octopus as it was his comfort stuffy. He sat there grumpily. Virgil curled in on himself while Janus held the bat confused.  Janus walked over to Virgil.

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