chapter 1

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"Batman 0-2..." I zone out as the AI lists off some names and numbers. With Batman's hand firmly on my arm, directing me forward, we enter a cave-like room. There's a setup of computers near the middle, surrounding it was a group of teens I recognize as the Young Justice League.

Since Leo invented a chip we can place in devices that blocks the signal monsters receive, we demigods aren't completely ignorant of what's going on in the world. I've also surprisingly taken a liking to hacking. It's fun looking for blackmail on celebrity figures.

I notice that only 4 out of the 6 are present at the moment. Green lady, cape dude, mini superman, and blonde arrow girl. I don't know the individual people, but I'm educated enough to know they're part of the mini Justice League.

They all look over, probably expecting a mission, but a wave of shock washes over their faces. I mean- I would too if I see a girl in sweatpants and a crop tank casually standing handcuffed beside the 'scariest' superhero. I just smirk at their reactions, confusing them more as to why I'm not scared. Bitch please, as if I would feel an ounce of fear from mortals.

"Uhh... why is she here?" Cape dude asks, nervously glancing at me.

"You mean- why is a completely innocent teenager at your secret base and being treated like a felon? That's what I'd like to know!" I grin. Unfazed by the glares currently being sent my way by the adult.

"She's here because she's a terrorist-"

"A suspected terrorist. Gods, get it right dude." I interrupt, yet again earning a glare. I roll my eyes at his attempt to scare me.

"As I was saying, she's been seen and acted in multiple crime scenes including the St. Louis Arch explosion, Mt. Helen explosion, Greece when..." I zone out for the second time in 5 minutes. Using the water particles in the air, I unlock the handcuffs and start playing with them in front of me. Over the few months after the war, I busied myself with training in combat as well as improving and unlocking powers. I did anything I could to distract myself from thinking about her. I managed to figure out how to control the water in the air- like moving things, sensing people, vapor travel, etc. As well as controlling temperatures, and controlling other liquids. But that wasn't the only thing I used to distract myself.

I hear Batman finish listing all my 'crimes' while I'm playing with the handcuffs in front of me instead of the previous position behind me.

"How are you doing that?" the blonde arrow girl asks, staring in awe at the now unlocked handcuffs in my hands.

"Magic." I joke but not completely lying.

The others look wary of my show of nonchalance at the whole situation.

And apparently Batman took my reply seriously and put a collar thingy on me while I was analyzing the team's reactions. Then proceeded to bring my hands behind my back again and locked on some more heavy-duty handcuffs. I'm not worried about being held prisoner, because I can leave any time I want. But they don't need to know that. This is purely for my entertainment.

"Ooo, kinky." I tease as he was locking the handcuffs on. Batman looked annoyed, as some of the team looked flustered at my mention of sex. Ahh, the innocence. Can't wait to destroy that.

Green lady didn't look too fazed, I'm guessing this stuff is new to aliens. So she was the first to ask Batty a question.

"I understand she's under suspicion as a terrorist but why is she here? Why not a regular prison or holding cell?"

"We suspect she has powers of some sort, so you guys are going to keep her here for the time being until we find further evidence. She's also been spotted in many life or death situations," I chuckle dryly- boy he has no idea. "So she's either being targeted or attacking people herself. Either way you guys need to keep her here to prevent her from harming any more citizens."

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