~Chapter #10~

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Ruhana is quite excited to learn that Vineet will be accompanying her to the trip. The trip to her dream city and also with Vineet, makes her excited. She has always wished for his happiness. She wants to take away all his pain and put a smile on his face. But, it's hard, she knows.

Life is hard and harsh. It's the true reality. Nothing  exists like a fairy tale in real life. Yet, she wishes Vineet to be the same he was, when he was a kid. It's hard to bring out the real person when he has locked himself. Ruhana silently prays for her success during this trip. After all, Vineet matters the most to her.

Her trial of thoughts is broken when Priyanka nudges her. She finds their teacher has gone and it's a free lecture. They move out and they move towards the library, when Ruhana spots Vineet with someone - - - a girl.

Ruhana rages seeing her. She's Rhea - - the spoilt brat of rich parents and she's always behind guys - - - she's behind Vineet as well. Ruhana asks priyanka to move into the library, and she tried to listen what the girl was saying to her best friend.

"Come on, Vineet! Can't we go on for coffee?" she asks, her tone is flirtatious.

"Didn't you get it? I can't go anywhere." he replies.

"Oh! Vineet! Can't you keep a girls' words! I mean, guys run behind me, and I am here, asking you…. Requesting you. But you're denying, how rude!!" Rhea shouts the last line.

"Oh please! I know who is behind whom!! Now leave my way!" Vineet says firmly.

"No ! Say a yes!" Rhea says adamantly.

"Can't you understand that I have denied. I am not interesting in you, and your stupid activities." Vineet shouts this time.

"How can you be so cold?? I request you!" Rhea tries to hold his hand, but a sudden push makes her fall on the ground.

It's Ruhana, who pushed her. Rhea is now lying on the floor, burning in anger.

"How dare you? Who are you?" rhea shouts.

"You don't deserve to know me, Miss Rhea!! But look at your deeds first. You're a girl, and that's why he didn't hit you. Else, you'd have been in the hospital." Ruhana says hatefully.

"Who are you to barge in between us!! Stay away!" Rhea shouts at her, showing her the index finger.

Ruhana rages at her act and she holds her wrist, and twist it with a jerk.

"Don't you get it when he denied at first? Why don't you buy some brain instead of your makeup and short dresses. Mind your own business. Next time, if I see you bothering him, I'll surely punch your nose." Ruhana says and leaves Rhea with a jerk, such that she falls on the floor and then runs away,passing fiery glares at Ruhana.

Ruhana shrugs her shoulders and Vineet glances at her.

" What's that? " he asks.

"she needed to know her right place. And of course, if someone will bother you, I can surely punch them." Ruhana says.

"That's not right!" vineet reasons, he is a calm headed person and he doesn't like answering back.

"It's right sometimes. When the people are like Rhea. I hate this girl. And I know, you needed to get rid of her." she glares at him and he finally smiles a little.

That's true, he tried to let go of  Rhea, but she didn't go away. Instead,she began holding his hand, and he didn't like her touch. Actually, he doesn't like anybody touching him - - - specially any of his friends. This is only allowed for Ruhana and her mom.

Ruhana holds his hand and rubs his palms to calm him. She know him, he is surely calm headed, but he needs to deny people, he has to learn to raise his voice, just like he shows anger every now and then.

"Vineet! Stay away From Rhea. Anger usually sits on your nose, why couldn't you show anger on Rhea?? She deserved it. It's not good to be soft Every time. I mean, you don't smile at me… but you're letting Rhea snuggle to you. Think of your deeds." Ruhana says meaningfully.

Vineet glances at her, she smiles lightly. She knows he has understood his point of view, but he is reluctant to accept that. She tugs on his hand.

" I know you are getting my words. You need to accept it. You let go of  people easily, but you're not letting go of your past. I know it was bad. But it is long gone, Vineet. Until when are you going to be in that cage. There are people like Rhea, who are ready to take advantage of your simplicity, and then I want you to be the one you were. I think you understand the difference. " Ruhana says, looking at him.

Meanwhile, her phone rings And it's Priyanka, who's calling for the class. She looks at Vineet, he's lost in his own thoughts. She shook him and tells him that she will meet him at home as she and her friends are planning to go to the nearby market to do some shopping. He agrees and they leave for their respective classes.


The day passes in a blur. Vineet reaches home and tells his aunt, that is, Ruhana's mother that she will be coming late. The lady nods affirmatively, her daughter already told her about the same. She gives coffee to him and finds him thoughtful.

"What happened, son?"  she asks the matter.

"I don't know, Ma! The things I want to do, I cannot do." he replies looking at his mother figure, who's his mother now.

"Think with a  calm head. Your mum will always be proud of you, and she will be happy, when she  see her son happy! And you want her to be happy, right?" she says.

Vineet nods his head affirmatively, and keeps his head in her lap. She smears her head softly for a while, and then asks him to change. He nods and moves to his room. He decides to take a shower, so that he can calm down. He steps into the shower and closes his eyes. Ruhana's words echo in his mind. He takes a deep sigh, and then he opens his eyes. It seems like he has got an answer to his questions. He finishes his shower and after getting dressed, he moves out of the room. Ruhana is already home, but she's showering.

Later that night, after dinner, Vineet is on the terrace, and Ruhana moves to meet him. It's their night ritual that they follow Every night. He is playing his guitar and Ruhana is savoring the soft music. But, the music stops. She opens her eyes and finds Vineet sitting beside her on the swing. He holds her hand, and says something that leaves Ruhana happy and surprised.

To Be Continued.

What did Vineet say to Ruhana?

Stay tuned.

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