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"Listen, little duck that is smothered in his own fat. You better get going or I will find a spit to make a delicious roast of you."

The casheer that had been not so discreetly leering at the gorgeous latina hunches back and leaves her with his tail behind his legs, talking to his co-worker to take over.

"Santana, as much as I love to do groceries with you since you always manage to have at least one fight with someone, it may be for the better if I go alone," Santana's friend Quinn says, giving Santana a look of disapproval.

The latina gives Quinn a look of disbelief.

"Come on now, Quinn. That ugly duck was asking for me to roast him. Literally."

She rolls her eyes as she continues.

"Besides, you are the one to talk, Miss Hypocrite. Didn't you verbally bash JBI yesterday when he attempted to interview you?"

The co-worker has reached the register now and tells Quinn to pay.

Quinn waves Santana's remark away as she starts paying for the groceries , those groceries consisting of mostly alcohol and low fat snacks. They both are underage teenage girls but that does not stand them in the way of getting their alcohol.

Charisma is a great virtue in Lima.

"That is completely different, Santana. I am the head cheerleader at school, there is a reputation I need to maintain. But outside of school, there is no need to act so..."

She grabs the snacks and gestures for Santana to grab the rest.

"provokingly. I know you are a bitch, but you need to spare those insults for school. What if you will run out of them while we are at school? You have a reputation to uphold as well."

Santana gives Quinn an annoyed glare as she has to carry the most out of the two of them, but decides to leave it be. Quinn is the only one she looks up to and can tolerate around her, even though she will never admit that to her.

"I was raised on insults. I won't even run out of them if I would fall into a coma, my subconscious would just mutter them for me."

Quinn smirks at that as she presses the button on her car key, the car that it belongs to being nothing less than a grey Range Rover.

Santana carefully puts the bottles on the ground in the backseat and takes her seat next to Quinn in the front afterwards.

"We should head home soon. We can't get too wasted for too long, since Cheerios practice will still be mandatory to attend tomorrow."

Santana scowls at Quinn, despite the fact that Quinn's eyes are solely focused on the road in front of them. Everything she does is careful and thoughtful, as if she were to be afraid that she will have a fly crash against the windshield of her car.

"You are no fun, Fabray. Seriously. I should have asked Puckerman to drink with me."

"Yet you are still here with me, with your big butt plastered onto my car seat. You can still get out of my car if you want to, no one's forcing you," Quinn sharply retorts.

Her retort is one of the reasons why Santana secretly envies everything about this woman, Quinn Fabray. No one ever dares to go against her vicious words but yet here she is, almost having met her match.

Almost. Santana is much more vicious than Quinn ever will be and that is also the reason why Quinn has more friends, more status and more elegance.

But Santana does not need more friends or elegance. All she cares about is feeling powerful over those around her, whether that is due to admiration or fear or a combination of the two. And if being Quinn's sidekick gives her that, she's satisfied with it.

Once the two girls reach Quinn's house, or estate for a better choice of word, they haul their stuff into the living room. The only reason that they are doing this at Quinn's is because of her parents being on a business trip. They never would have allowed Quinn to bring alcohol inside the house or to bring Santana either.

The first and the last day that she brought Santana was two years ago. Her parents were seated on the couch and as Quinn introduced Santana to them, Santana just stood there and gave them a simple nod in acknowledgment.

They went upstairs and stayed there for the rest of the day, until Santana left without saying goodbye.

Quinn never heard the end of the lack of manners of her friend and that she should never invite that rude hispanic girl again. So that's how it went.

Quinn and Santana ate their snacks that they both secretly found disgusting and drank but not too much.

They spent the rest of the evening watching Say yes to the dress, which was only amusing to the both of them due to the potential of insults they could come up with.

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