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Jungkook looked down at the letter curiously and picked it up off the floor. He checked to see who it was addressed to and when he saw it was addressed to you he went to bring it up to you. However, he got an odd feeling from the letter. Like something wasn't right. So he turned into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Now, Jungkook new he shouldn't be opening your post. He knew that it was something seen as private, for the recipient only. The feeling was just so strong and he wanted to make sure the letter wouldn't upset you. When he opened it, he knew he was right to feel that way.

The letter explained that Taehyung had been released early on good behaviour and that he wouldn't be allowed near you. However, given Taehyung's past and how possessive he was, it was unlikely he would stay away for long. It was just a matter of time until Taehyung was back in both your lives again but Jungkook would so whatever he could to prolongu the inevitable.

He slid the letter back into the envelope and walked to his home office. He unlocked the bottom draw where he kept all his private or confidential material and placed it there, before heading off to bed.

Everything went on like normal for about a week after Jungkook found the letter. Well as normal as it could be with the guilt of hiding the letter from you but he knew it was probably better than letting you fall into the intense fear you used to have of leaving the house.

After it had been a week, Jungkook found another letter on the floor by the door. It was delivered later in the evening than the last, when you were in bed. Jungkook wasn't sure if the intention was for him to see it or you but either way he picked it up.

There was nothing on the front of the envelope, which meant it had been hand delivered. He opened it carefully and took the paper out, unfolding it carefully. The only words written on the paper were "You're mine, my Y/n dearest."

If the message wasn't creepy enough, it looked like it had been written in blood. Jungkook didn't know if it was Taehyung's blood or someone elses but he didn't plan on finding out any time soon. He shoved the letter back in the envelope and put it with the other one in the hopes you would never find them.

The letters kept coming and Jungkook kept hiding them from you. The letters began building up and up and up until they could barely fit in the little draw at the bottom of his desk. What he didn't know was that Taehyung knew he was keeping the letters from you. He knew Jungkook was trying to "protect" you from him. He kept sending the letters because you weren't seeing them. Until, one day, you finally found one.

One day, when you got home before Jungkook, you noticed some post on the floor so picked it up from the floor. You looked through it and eventually came across a plain envelope. You thought it was odd and seeing as it wasn't addressed to anyone in particular you opened it.

Inside it read "He's lying to you. I can prove it. Meet me tomorrow next to the cafe we went to on our first date as soon as you've finished work. I'll be waiting." You involuntarily shivered at the words on the paper, before shock finally set in. Your thoughts ran wild at the thought of Taehyung being back. You couldn't understand why you hadn't gotten a letter from the court about it or anything. You tried to keep the tears at bay as you sank into the sofa, fear embedding itself into your very being.

Obviously, you didn't go to meet Taehyung. You just weren't ready to face him and the fact he was actually out of prison couldn't register properly in your mind. You assumed if you just ignored it then Taehyung would leave you alone and realise there was no point trying to contact you or meet you.

The day after you were supposed to meet Taehyung went smoothly. You tried to keep him out of your mind and just went on with work as usual. You said goodbye to everyone and talked Jungkook into letting you go home alone. You needed to clear your thoughts and the only way you could do that was with a calm, peaceful walk home.

You left the building and went on your way, slowly strolling step by step down the sidewalk. Everything was tranquil, exactly as you wanted it. Most people were still at work so there was barely anyone on the streets. For once, your paranoia was practically non existent and it was just you and the universe.

However, that calm was disrupted by a sudden rustling from a bush nearby. You tried to act as if you had heard nothing and continued to walk, humming slightly to try and bring yourself back into a tranquil mindset.

You heard another rustling and your pace quickened. Thoughts of Taehyung began flooding your mind. You realised that if he knew where you lived, he probably knew where you worked as well. The thought of him following you, practically stalking you, pulled you right out of the peaceful mindset you had just about managed to keep intact.

The bushes rustled again and this time they were accompanied by footsteps on the path behind you. Your breathing gradually increased and your footsteps got faster and faster. A slight cold sweat had begun building on your skin in anxiety and you were beginning to tremble slightly. Your heart literally felt like it was beating out of your chest, becoming very aware of the feeling of blood being pumped from your heart.

It just kept building and building. The thoughts, the heart beat, all of it. The footsteps behind you matching your pace were the only things you could hear. Your thoughts got the better of you and you couldn't help but turn around to see who it was. Behind you stood Taehyung, looking almost the same as when you first met him. However, this time you knew the truth, you knew what a monster he really was.

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