"How disappointing. I thought that instead of mini balls, you're actually hiding some massive balls there that instead of Ayanokoji, you're going after the white room instead."

She's been saying some surprising words until now. Could it be....

"What's your basis?"

She moved in front of me, looking straight to my eyes and smirked.

"We keep on replying questions with another questions on each other. How about we stop playing Utomiya? You know what type of person I am right?"

This girl definitely knows something. Dealing with her was so tiring.

"So, what's the reason why you're working hard in this exam?"

"I'm just trying to justify my OAA evaluation."

"Justify? For who?"

"I bet you already know."

Amasawa laughed.

"Ahh..... for Horikita Suzune. That girl that you said you would use to expel Ayanokoji. Hmm.. right.. right."

She said that and nodded several times while putting her index finger on her chin. And then she smiled as if saying she found something interesting.

"Now I'm excited about what you're going to do next Utomiya.... Why do I get this feeling that you're gonna make me swallow my word of always calling you a coward."

"Amasawa, I suggest you should mind your own business from now on. I believe Ayanokoji will take measures of what you did to his girlfriend."

"Oh right. I also wanted to ask about that since you were near to him that time. So, you're saying that I caught his attention? Did you mean he got pissed of what I did to his girlfriend?

Got pissed? Well I don't know about that. He was still wearing his blank face.

"Not really. But since Karuizawa went to him, well I guess so."

"Okay. I guess I'm gonna entertain him while you're working on your plan. Isn't it nice for you?"

"Do as you please."

She turned around ready to leave. But then....

"Utomiya, you're much more interesting than I thought. I still don't know the full details but.... Good luck."

After she said that, she left me alone in the restroom.

When she mentioned the name Horikita Suzune, I knew that she knows about that as well.

Now, I hope she won't become a problem in the future.


As I arrived on the school grounds, the first afternoon event was already happening. When I was walking, I saw a guy gesturing his hand towards me telling me to come over.

"What is it Sudo senpai?"

"I see that you're not also a participant of scavenger hunt."

"Well, it's because I'm pretty unlucky."

"Haha. Just like this boy here."

He said that while putting his hand on Ayanokoji's shoulder who was beside him.

"Right.. right.. I remember Ayanokoji requested to change twice. What did you pick anyway?"

Another class D student, who was beside Ayanokoji, which I believe was named Ike Kanji asked him.

"........ Bring along 10 friends."

Upon hearing that, Sudo and Ike was surprised for a moment and then proceeded to laugh.

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