5 | Accident

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It was another breezy day. Both Naya and Kino were stuck in the living room watching news with their parents.

"You know, we could always crash in uncle Tanji's practices." His eyes still in line with the TV.

"You know how much he hated us doing that. Besides, I don't wanna be in another hot seat with Wakatosh."

He gave out a small chuckle. "I could still remember how he tried doing match-maker for you guys."

Flashback ~

"Naya, this is Ushijima Wakatoshi. He's the one of the players picked for Japan's Youth and the number one player in the Junior's department. Mainly the one I was talking about."

"Oh.." you turn your gaze towards him. "Hashimoto Naya." Putting your hand in front.

He held your hand to return a handshake. "Ushijima Wakatoshi."

"Well? Go on now! Have a date or something!" Her uncle yelled.

End of Flashback ~

Remembering that scene made you chuckle. "I've never seen uncle so mad at me for rejecting a guy."

"He's Ushijima Wakatoshi! What does he not have for you to reject him?!" Kino imitating his uncle.

The both of them laughed. There's no doubt their uncle wanted Ushijima to at least be related to him, but since he didn't have kids, he tried to sabotage his nieces into dating the guy. Unfortunately, all of them weren't cut for Wakatosh but Naya. The girl, on the other hand, cannot offer the same interest towards the guy.

"But seriously, imouto, I might visit uncle."

She sighed. "You're leaving me?"

"You can always join me, but the question is, do you want to?"

"He's probably pissed. I heard Shiratorizawa didn't cut for nationals this year. He'd probably want me to train his giants like last time." She crossed her arms, sulking. "Besides, I can always just visit Tobio-kun at Karasuno."

Kino's eyes shot up. "Who's Tobio?" His eyebrows meeting in the middle.

"Oh... I forgot to tell you about him. He's the person I was with last night."

He jolted up and crossed his arms. "You went out with a guy?!... At night?!!!!!"

She sighed. "I knew you'd go bananas if I said that last night but no worries onii-chan, he's just a friend."

"What if he kidnapped you?!" A sense of worry came from his voice.

"Gomenasai, onii-chan. I won't do it again. I know even though he looks nice, I shouldn't keep my guard down. I'll definitely introduce him to you when we meet so you don't worry about it anymore." Naya reassured her brother.

"Well then I'm coming with you to Karasuno."

"I thought you wanted to visit uncle Tanji?"

Kino slowly walked up the stairs. "My soul will not rest until I meet the person who might have kidnapped you last night." He emphasized as he went his way towards his room.

She smiled. She's not surprised by her brother being protective of her. Besides, it's just them two their whole life.



Fr: Naya 🙂
To: Tobio-chan 🏐
- Tobio!!! Hi. I'm heading there with my brother. See you!

As soon as Kageyama read the message, his heart fluttered; unknown to the feeling he's currently experiencing. Not only was he happy to see Naya again, he was also terrified of what might happen.

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