3 | Her Return

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Kino and Naya arrived at Miyagi four in the afternoon. Both parents were there waiting for their arrival. As soon as they got in the house, they did an exchange of hugs, kisses and conversations.

"We missed you both so much!" The mother exclaimed.

The Hashimoto's weren't worried when their children left for America. Yes, they had their doubts when they were given the scholarships, but they knew they'd both stay safe and responsible even without them. Despite the distance and time difference, they made sure they didn't miss a day to check up on them and have their little 'family talks' revolving around their days, their sports, the businesses etc.

"Kodomo, we have dinner with the Tsukishima's at six." She informed. "As soon as they heard you both were coming back, they immediately contacted me and settled this dinner with us."

Naya checked her watch. 4:50 pm. Enough time to prepare and rest in between.

"Okay mama!" Both responded in unison.

Even with them being wealthy, Mrs. Hashimoto made sure that both stayed humble. She has made them understand that money will come around but manners and knowledge don't. That is why part of their childhood years, besides sport trainings and matches, were learning household chores and associating with different people in and out of their hometown.

~ time skip ~

Naya was in crisis. Clothes all over the place, she was stuck with no decision. It's already five-twenty in the evening but she still hasn't finished preparing.

Kino came in her room and slump himself onto the bed.

"I don't know what to wear... I'm not sure if I should dress up or not." Hands still browsing through her closet.

Kino gave her a sharp look. "Girls.." shaking his head.

"I know I know... Urusai! You're not helping."

"Why do you need to dress up?! We're just meeting the Tsukishima's.. Unless..." As if a light bulb came up his head when he realized the reason.

"You still like Kei-chan!!!"

If stares could kill, she would've with the way she stared at her brother. "I'm not!" Turning her head away to hide her now tomato face.

It felt like yesterday to Naya. How she met Tsukki. How their friendship blossomed and how it drifted away when she left.

Flashback ~

Little Naya was alone on the swing. Although there were a lot of other kids around, she felt inferior. They all knew each other and because of that she felt as if she was like an outcast. She wasn't really good at starting conversations either which made it even harder for her to make friends.

She looked down on the ground as she slowly sways herself. Suddenly, two people came up to her casting a shadow on where she was looking. Slowly, she tilted her head up to see who it came from.

"You're new here, aren't you?" The kid with freckles spoke.

She shook her head no in response. Shifting her gaze towards the other kid, she began observing.

"I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi and this one is Tsukki.."

The tall boy cut him off. "Tsukishima Kei"

Naya smiled in the thought of her having new friends. "Hashimoto Naya."

End of Flashback ~

"I don't mind if you guys get together." Her brother stressed.

"I'll just have to beat him up he hurts my imouto." His hand met up in the middle as if he was about to beat someone up.

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