Chapter Fifteen - Out of Control

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A/N: Angst ahead. Great fun ;)

In this chapter a couple of elves have a conversation, so it's a good time to point out that, for the entirety of this story, when characters are conversing in any form of Elvish and they both fully understand what's being said, I just write it in English - including all the name translations. So a lot of times Legolas is called Greenleaf, the literal translation of his name, for example. (When Gandalf calls Legolas 'Legolas Greenleaf' in LOTR he's not using his surname, but acknowledging that he knows the meaning of his first name).

But if anyone is involved in a conversation and doesn't speak the language, I use Elvish to reflect their confusion, courtesy of This sometimes means that the reader doesn't fully understand the conversation either, but can get the gist. I enjoy that approach, so I won't be providing translations for those short moments in later chapters. 

There are eighteen chapters in each book, so we're nearing the end of this one! Make sure to give me a follow if you want to read the next two books in the trilogy. It's very much an ongoing story, the second one pretty much starts off where this one ends.

Dawn had just broken on Mid Years Day, and yet another breathtaking sight was approaching the city of Minas Tirith, another image that none would forget, even after all the wondrous events since the siege.

A whole host of elves from the north.

Most of the folk of the city did not know who they were looking at, but a very few there recognised all, and knew that never again would they see them all together again on Middle-earth.

For in the procession were a great many of the most illustrious of elves – the brothers Elladan and Elrohir leading the way, then Glorfindel and Erestor with all the elves of Rivendell, then the Lord and Lady of the Golden Wood, Celeborn and Galadriel, with many of their people. Finally came Lord Elrond, and beside him rode his daughter, the Lady Arwen, and the smile that appeared on King Elessar's face explained to all who knew him just what the great day was that he had been waiting for.

Legolas stood beside his friend, his sharp eyes picking out early on that neither his father, nor any of the people from his homeland, had made the journey to Gondor.

Why does that not surprise me, he thought bitterly. 

As the elves passed through the gates and made their slow and stately way up through the levels of the city to the citadel, Aragorn turned and went to inspect the throne room and the Merethrond. He was satisfied with all he saw, and knew that tonight would be a time for the greatest, happiest feasting and dancing the city had ever seen. For at noon, at last, he would wed Arwen Undómiel, and with the setting of the sun would come the celebrations.

Greetings and welcomes were formal but full of joy, and as Arwen went to bow before the King he raised her in his arms and kissed her. Legolas looked on with happiness as his friend was reunited with his love, but his eye was drawn away by the Lord Celeborn beckoning him to his side.

"Greetings, Greenleaf," Celeborn began in Sindarin, raising his hand to his breast. "I come with tidings of your home."

"Lord, it will bring me ease to hear of my home," Legolas replied. "But pray tell me quickly if the news is good or bad."

"It begins badly, but do not fear. Your father's realm was invaded by goblins, who fled when their strongholds collapsed after the defeat of The Abhorred. The fighting was hard and long, and it grieves me to tell you much was destroyed, many trees burnt and lost."

Celeborn looked grave, but Legolas knew there was more to the tale.

"Go on, I beg you," he said.

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