Chapter 15 - Going home for Christmas

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*Draco pov*
"What the hell happened with you two?" Demanded Felicity the second I got back to our dormitory after Monday's lessons. It was odd, seeing Felicity there instead of Harry, the formerly red drapes that she'd transfigured to blue, but more than that... Harry's absence felt like a missing limb.

"It's a long story," I said dismissively.

She didn't budge. "We have all night."


Felicity might have been prying a little, but I did want to tell someone about it, deep down. So I told her everything. About Astoria's history with me, and what happened at the restaurant. She didn't say a word, but she did put her head in her hands when I got to the end - me going home for the weekend and not back to Hogwarts.

"You know the rest."

She was silent for a moment.

"I just want to know one thing. Why couldn't you come back to school and confront him?"

"I tried. I got halfway up the path. But then I realised, he'll never forgive me. And how could I face him after doing that to him, Felicity?"

"But you did," she said. "You found the courage to face him."

"And look how that turned out." I said bitterly. "He told me to stay away. I don't want to hate Astoria, but couldn't- couldn't she just have kept her nose in her own bloody business? Why couldn't she just have let me explain instead of talking over me? If only she hadn't- if I hadn't-"

I could see the pity in her eyes. It didn't help one bit.

"Just stay out of this, Felicity."

I made no attempt to hide my dejected, resigned tone. There was no going back with Harry.

*Harry/narrator pov*
The week passed, about as gloomy as usual, if not more so. Harry supposed that he hadn't noticed how Draco would brighten his day, but of course there was no question of that now.

The days wore on, each grey and dull as the next. Occasionally, Draco approached the table in the mornings and opened his mouth, but Harry ignored him, or, if he was in a particularly foul mood, just told him to sod off and stop bothering him.

The Christmas holidays were fast approaching, but Harry had received no response when he had owled Mrs Weasley and requested to return to The Burrow, having previously wished to stay with his boyfriend over the break. It was worrying him, but he figured that Dumbledore would sort something out.

*Draco pov*
Finally, everything was packed except the cat. I was in the common room with my trunk, and Smokey had been sleeping quite contentedly on the sofa, until I'd tried to catch her off guard.

Smokey's claws were dug firmly into the couch as I pulled. She obviously didn't want to leave.

"Smokes, we're going home. It's Christmas."

She didn't budge.

I tried again. "Mother wants to see you. I'm sure she'll make a great fuss of you."

The claws loosened, just a little bit.

I sighed. "You can have some of my turkey."

I was thrown backwards by the momentum as the paws suddenly unstuck themselves from the sofa. You wouldn't have thought that she'd ever had claws to begin with.

She leaped out of my arms and smoothly made her way over to the basket behind me - and over it. I don't know what I had expected. I turned. My breath caught momentarily, taken by surprise.

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