"Scorpia, what did I say about personal space?" She lets me go and rubs her neck; sheepishly.

"Oh, heh, sorry." I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head.

"Where's Lonnie?" I mumble.
"Oh, she's in the cafeteria waiting on us."

We make our way to the buzzing cafeteria; filled with kids who look like they haven't slept in years. I can't imagine I look much better.

I keep my head held high as I walk towards our table. Making sure that everybody knows that I'm not somebody to mess with. The reputation that I have to maintain. Every. Single. Day.

"Girl, your 20 minutes late. Where have you been?" I give Lonnie a side glare and she holds her hands up in defense.

"Hey, I'm just trying to make sure that your okay." I give her the fakest grin I've got and she grimaces.

"See Lonnie? I'm just peachy." She nods slowly and starts up a conversation with Scorpia.

I survey the busy cafeteria. Two girls looking rather smitten with each other; their fingers laced, their cheeks flushed. Ew. Cherish it while it lasts.

A gangly boy, practically undressing me with his eyes. I grimace at him; he quickly backs off. And then somebody catches my eye...somebody who I can't seem to look away from, no matter how hard I try.

A blonde struts across the cafeteria; her shoulders back, her head held high. She flashes her best friends (Crop Top and Glitter) her signature smile and engulfs them in a tight hug.

I feel a tug at my heart. A pang in my chest. A few years ago...that would have been me. I would have been on the other side of that warm hug. My face falls.

Ugh, screw her. I'm not jealous. No way. I don't care about her anymore. Just like she doesn't care about me. An unspoken agreement.

"Wildcat? You okay?" Scorpia's voice jolts me out of my thoughts.
"What? Oh, yeah... I'm fine."

But to be honest...I'm anything but fine. Not that I'd let anybody know that. Absolutely not. I have a reputation to maintain. The School's most wanted badass.

And badass's have no time to care about what they feel.

"Adora, what's been up with you lately?" Glimmer's voice cuts through the cacophony of the cafeteria. All eyes are on Little Miss Perfect. She looks around; blue eyes wide in terror.

"You never eat anymore, like at all. And look at you! You are practically a stick!" I look the blonde up and down. I guess I never realized how lean she has gotten...But it's not true, right? It can't be. Adora is doing just fine. She has the perfect life.

"You always use the excuse of being exhausted. And you have been avoiding us. Don't think that I didn't notice. Your secretive and you disappear at lunch every day."

Glimmer's eyes trail down to Adora's arms. The taller girl fidgets with her fingers. She never does that unless she's nervous.

"Why do you wear long sleeves, Adora? You've got something to hide. I bet-"

"S-shut up! You don't know anything about me!" The blonde shouts; taking everybody (including myself) by surprise.

She storms out of the Cafeteria.

What a show.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Little Miss Perfect." Adora tenses up at my voice.

Little Miss Imperfect (A Catradora fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now